Nvidia Tesla V100 – top accelerator in versions for PCIe

Tesla V100 is the most powerful accelerator, which will accelerate the development of high performance computing and artificial intelligence.

Nvidia Tesla V100 - top accelerator in versions for PCIe

Месяц назад Nvidia представила graphics card Tesla V100, первый ускоритель нового поколения Volta – тогда еще в виде карты типа Mezzanine (SXM2). Теперь в ассортименте производителя появилась его версия под стандартный разъем PCI-Express x16.

Tesla V100 PCIe also uses a graphics processor with Volta GV100 5120 stream processors and 640 kernels and tensor 16 ГБ памяти HBM2 4096-bit. Изменилась тактовая частота ядра, because it works with a maximum frequency of about 1370 MHz (in this version SXM2 1455 MHz).

The nucleus consists of Volta GV100 80 blocks SM, which combine to give 5120 stream processors. Новинкой же являются 640 tensor core units, which are used for machine learning and building neural networks

Despite the frequency change, Map offers a similar computing power - 28 Half precision teraflops, 14 Teraflops single-precision and 7 ТЕРАФЛОПС двойной точности (in this version SXM2 respectively 30, 15 and 7,5 TeraFLOPS). Вычислительная мощность при глубоком обучении в свою очередь составляет 112 instead 120 TeraFLOPS. Пропускная способность памяти осталась без изменений и составляет до 900 GB / sec.

Tesla V100 PCIe uses the PCI-Express interface 3.0 x16, so when connecting multiple cards bandwidth is "only" 32 GB / sec (SXM2 version can be used with NVLink bus bandwidth 300 Gbit / s). Но более низкие частоты повлияли на низкое потребление электроэнергии, since TDP rate is only 250 instead 300 AT.

Model Tesla P100 (SXM2)Tesla P100 (PCIe)Tesla V100 (SXM2)Tesla V100 (PCIe)
Generation Nvidia Pascal Nvidia Pascal Nvidia Volta Nvidia Volta
LithographTSMC 14 nm
TSMC 14 nm
12 nm TSMC
12 nm TSMC
core area610 mm2610 mm2815 mm2815 mm2
graphics processorPascal GP100Pascal GP100Volta GV100Volta GV100
Core Frequency1480 MHz1300 MHz 1455 MHz~ 1370 MHz
Computing power FP1621,2 TeraFLOPS18,7 TeraFLOPS30 TeraFLOPS28 TeraFLOPS
Computing power FP3210,6 TeraFLOPS9,3 TeraFLOPS15 TeraFLOPS14 TeraFLOPS
Computing power FP645,3 TeraFLOPS4,7 TeraFLOPS7,5 TeraFLOPS7 TeraFLOPS
Computing power tensor
(Deep Learning
video memory16 HBM2 GB 4096-bit16 HBM2 GB 4096-bit16 HBM2 GB 4096-bit16 HBM2 GB 4096-bit
Memory Bandwidth720 Gbit / s 720 Gbit / s900 GB / sec900 GB / sec
type of cardMezzanine (SXM2)PCIe 3.0 x16Mezzanine (SXM2) PCIe 3.0 x16
TDP 300 AT 250 AT300 AT250 AT


Tesla V100 PCIe card should be available later this year – both in the range of Nvidia, and partner companies (Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, eg, He announced three systems, working on the basis of this design).

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