Mark Zuckerberg has become poorer 3 billion just 1 day

Основатель самой популярной социальной сети в мире Марк Цукерберг позавчера стал беднее почти на 3 billion US dollars, It reported on the resource tabletka. Poorer consciously, making resonant statement about the future development of their offspring.

At the end of the week, Mark said, that the social network will reconsider its approach to the display of news feed. According to Zuckerberg, In recent years, Facebook news feed significantly deviated from its original purpose. Today it high on the news, Posts known brands and other third-party information.

However, it is wrong. Family and friends are more expensive! Initially, the tape must be used for messages, one way or another connected with the people you love. In other words,, news ticker social sphere was created in order, to help communicate with family. And that, Now that this function is lost, not fair.

Considering this, creator of the social network announced, что в ближайшие несколько месяцев алгоритмы формирования ленты новостей в Facebook будут перенастроены таким образом, to eliminate this misunderstanding. Contact with loved ones will be restored!

This message has been negatively perceived by the market. Immediately after the announcement of Facebook shares have fallen in price 3,9%. Such a reduction in hours did Mark Zuckerberg poorer 2,9 billion cu. According to Bloomberg estimates, state billionaires fell from 77,3 to 74,4 billions of dollars.

However, mark, looking at all, it is of little concern, he has his own vision for the future of Facebook and the market he did not decree. think, some 3 billion…


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