Mama, dad, I go - how to choose the first shoes for your child

some argue, there is no reason to bother matter what kind of shoes for a child to buy, since the first shoes for your child is very small. The kid will grow out of it quickly. Therefore it is necessary not to focus on this issue the attention and spend a lot of money on something, it will quickly become useless and unnecessary. Here is a way of thinking leads astray. First of all, footwear for children and although used for a short time, important functions. Secondly, a good child shoes do not need to spend a lot, look at the price Enough to know what to look for, to choose baby shoes at an affordable price and good quality.

how to choose the right shoes for your child. A photo

The first shoes for your child: When buying first shoes?

There are parents who buy baby shoes when he had not even sitting. This shoe has a purely decorative role. Hard to understand, why parents are embarrassed to leg, instead of, to allow them to work freely and breathe. Wearing such shoes may be even negative effects, because the legs are a means of knowledge, both hands and mouth. As long as the kid does not go, it is better to take him for a walk in the stroller without shoes. It makes no sense to buy shoes, when the baby starts to get on your feet and move around holding onto furniture in the house. Leg and fingers should move freely. Feet child react, practice in maintaining body balance, depending on the load. The use of such a moment will complicate the science of footwear. Do not worry, no curvature of the legs and foot deformities will not be. It is not formed as flat, since small children it is it the norm because of the fat pads, which is located on the inner side of the leg.

Dear Parents, Do not use shoes when the baby is in the development stage. At this stage of development of the musculoskeletal system it will only be a hindrance.

When can I buy the first shoes for your child? Only then, when the baby is stable and confident walk. For one child it will be 11. months of life, for the second – for a few months longer. It is better, the baby first steps done barefoot or with socks, and not in Boots. He must feel the earth under your feet, react to walking the relevant muscle tension, work ligaments and legs bend. Free movement forms correct habits, teaches elastic gait. boots, that densely cover the legs, fetter full freedom of movement and the natural load on the legs. engine system, which is based on a rigid corset shoe, It does not work in reality and contributes to the formation of posture defects.

or child, who walks, must always have shoes on their feet?

certainly, often best to walk barefoot: summer in air, winter house. After all, lift it up and the body's natural load on the legs, in accordance with the laws of nature. Walking barefoot or in socks Anti-slip well coached foot, it generates and strengthens. The exceptions are those situations, when walking barefoot threatening injury or hypothermia.

Question answer.

-It's true, that walking barefoot on the floor, deforms the foot, and it is better to wear shoes child, which soften the contact with a solid surface?

-It is not true. It is better not to limit the child, because the baby has to learn to walk on any surface: solid, soft, slippery and smooth. experience developing a variety of baby's feet.

The first shoes for your child: why it is so important to choose the first shoes for baby?

Shopping for baby shoes should be deliberate and not accidental. Legs are not just for walking. Taking thermal loads and shocks during walking and running. protect the spine, the head and the rest of the joints. Are learning tool: recognize different base, their structure, temperature, hardness. reported, when it's cold or hot, and, in this way, contribute to the regulation of our body temperature. They can give safe passage. It is therefore important, not to hinder legs stiff shoe that holds the legs in a vice.

The first shoes for your child: what are the characteristics of good shoes for baby?

the question, what should be the first shoe for a young child, many will answer me – „хорошая”. Of course, it is better, to high-quality shoes are good and cheap, but it, properly, It means "good shoes"? Common sense is that, the first shoes must be rigid, to strongly support the child's feet. But this is far from the truth. Just imagine, how would you feel in the shoes, that shackle leg from toes to ankles and do not allow it or bend, nor do free step. Nightmare, true? Therefore, before purchasing should take a few tips on arms.

  • Sole – contrary to popular opinion, It should not be rigid or thick. Better elastic and flexible. It should be easy to bend in the wrong place, where the fingers bend child, t. it is. on 1/3 length, starting from the ends of the fingers. The sole should not slip on the surface. Thick sole stiffens the foot, в обуви с толстой подошвой трудно бегать, feel the surface and work leg, and from there it is only one step away from uncontrolled falls.
  • The front part of the shoe – best slightly raised up (This facilitates the movement of the fingers), round (thanks to this kid does not get caught on the floor) and, respectively, broad (to freely fit fingers).
  • middle part – It can not be too broad, that the foot does not move from side to side in an uncontrolled. At this point, the boot must be very narrow. Perfect, if the shoe side adjacent to the leg.
  • Height – leg should move freely in the ankle area. Toddler because all the time goes, runs, stops, squats, He sits on the heel, - his legs in the ankle area is constantly doing work. You can select boots, that ends below the ankle, or ascend above, but then a part near the bone should be very soft.
  • Clasp – most fashionable Velcro, but better shoelaces. The former should not be too hard, second – tightly tied, not to restrict the legs bend.
  • The size – while walking and loads of baby foot falls, and increased by a few millimeters. Therefore, shoes should be one centimeter longer, than the leg. In winter you need to consider further the warm sock. More, than a centimeter margin length will act adversely, interfere with walking.
  • Material – They can be made of natural leather, Eco leather or other material, provided, he elastic, hard enough, waterproof and allows the foot to breathe, то есть впитывает пот и не позволяет ноге попотеть.
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