How to choose a backpack for walks in the mountains?

Рюкзак для прогулок в горы может иметь как маленький объем 4-6 liters, and 65 liters. What is the difference, and how to choose the best for you? Прочтя статью до конца вы найдете ответ на этот вопрос.


Choosing a backpack is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In the market there are many brands with different price ranges and quality characteristics, a wide range of these products you can found at the link. How not to be mistaken with too much choice? In order to properly choose a backpack for walks enough at the beginning of the answer the following three questions:

Who will use the backpack girl or guy?

All good manufacturers of backpacks also produce a special line for women and Mister. Women differ in the structure of the basics - thicker straps, but narrower, as well as specially shaped, so as not to interfere with walking. Besides, large backpacks waist belt will be built a little differently – So, to better match the shape of the pelvic.

Of course, with backpacks like with shoes - they should try, to understand, which corresponds to you. It is important to check the backpack load, только тогда вы по-настоящему его прочувствуете. В поисках решения стоит обратить внимание на немецкий бренд Deuter – рюкзаки этой фирмы имеют линию SL – подготовленную специально для женщин.

How to use the backpack owner?

In this case, it is important for the public needs it is selected. So for jogging, you need a small size backpack, enough so to fit a water bottle, несколько бутербродов и телефон. В свою очередь для походов по магазинам и прогулки в горах с посиделками на полянахнужны более универсальные решения.

If you have answered this question, you are one step closer to choosing the right. but remember, что следует хорошо подумать. Удобный универсальный рюкзак будет вместительным но занимать больше места, such as a bus. In turn, the backpack is designed for running is too small for walking in the mountains on bikes on weekends, в особенности если берете с собой еду.

What do you carry in your backpack?

This question relates to a container. If you are looking for a travel backpack for a weekend getaway, you probably need a backpack with a capacity of between 30 and 45 liters. Также его можно использовать для похода по магазинам, can not be said about the huge amount of backpacks 65 liters, which are indispensable only when leaving the nature of the tent.

Of course, backpacks do not exist for all occasions. It is only necessary to choose a backpack, which would correspond to the majority of your needs.

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