How to serve a skateboard

К основным деталям скейтборда относятся колеса. Чтобы они всегда были в рабочем состоянии и обеспечивали движение с максимальной скоростью, they need to be periodically greased. If they are worn out, It needs to be replaced. This article describes the, It serves as a skateboard that he was always in working condition.

Tools and materials

Skateboard service involves two steps, bearing lubrication oil or grease, or their replacement. В случае замены стоит выбрать надежные подшипники зарекомендовавшие себя с лучшей стороны. Company VPK bearing has established itself as a provider of good bearings, that you can safely buy for your skateboard.

  • Instruments: Two small adjustable wrench, pliers, large screwdriver.
  • materials: Butter, solidol, ball bearings, rag.
  • Time: about 15 minutes to 1/2 o'clock.


When the skateboard wheels stop spinning or spinning hard, problem, usually, It lies in the bearings. Расположены они между осью и краем колеса. If at this point the bearings are not visible, It means they are closed. In this case, the repair will be carried out only skateboard specialists in store, which was bought. Если же они видны то стоит их смазать маслом. For, so that they work properly with oil lubrication procedure should be carried out periodically.

If the bearings are noisy, it should be lubricated with oil. We should not overdo it with him, Apply oil to the bearings for a little bit on each wheel. Связано это с тем что при избытке масла на подшипнике оседает грязь.

If the bearings are quiet, it should be lubricated with grease. Using the key to unscrew the wheel nut axis. Remove the wheel and hold it by its axis.

For lubrication skateboard bearings you can use the same grease, which use a bicycle. For, to be lubricated, нанесите слой смазки для велосипеда в подшипник по кругу и удалите избыток тряпкой. Lubricate each bearing on both sides and then secure all the wheels in place. Вставьте обратно колесо и вручную затените гайку колеса. После смазки подшипников, you should make sure that all the nuts are tightened.

replacement bearings

Each wheel must be 16 beads, eight pieces on each side of the wheel. Если вы шариков недосчитались, should be replaced by purchasing a replacement set of bearings. Even with the failure of only one or two bearings should be replaced by a whole set.

For, to replace the bearings, unscrew the wheel nut with the axis; unscrew and remove the cone. Take the wheel of the axle. On each side of the wheel to remove the old bearings and clean the old grease with a cloth. Перед тем как вставлять подшипники в колеса смажьте их солидолом. После замены подшипников вставьте колеса обратно и надежно прикрутите гайки. Надеемся что это руководство помогло вам в обслуживании скейтборда. thank you for being with us.

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