Tea Shop “Mlesna”. recall

Tea online store “Mlesna” was created with the thought of all people who appreciate not only excellent taste, but also healthy and nutritious properties of tea and coffee. There is nothing better, than a cup of hot, invigorating and coffee or tea.


Managers do their best, to continuously expand the range of high-quality coffee and tea, I satisfy both gourmets these noble drinks, and people who are just getting started with this wonderful world.

Online tea shop in Moscow It offers green, white, black and red teas from all over the world. Besides, in assortment “Mlesna” you will find the most diverse coffee roasted, green, instant and decaffeinated.

The proposed tea imported from all over the world. Besides, in the proposal there is also a variety of accessories, to enrich your preparation and consumption of tea and coffee.


The store offers the following constantly expanding the range of high-quality coffee, tea and accessories:

  • The black
  • Green
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Oolong
  • Smeed
  • Fruit
  • slimming
  • Fried
  • Green
  • Decaffeinated coffee
  • Soluble
  • In chocolate
  • Special
  • Cups and mugs
  • Kettles for brewing

Company “Mlesma” is an Indian manufacturer of tea and coffee which is the owner of the online store of the same name. On the Internet market, the company is working with 1993 and since then successfully cooperates with many players.

The experience that the company has acquired in this time showed, that in any family business, the main thing is the customer and his needs. The main objective is a complete and comprehensive customer support, so managers will gladly assist you in choosing and provide answers to all questions.

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