Free Nik Collection plug-in package for editing photos on Google

Пакет Nik Collection представляет собой набор мощных инструментов для редактирования цветопередачи, sharpness and blur the background, and noise suppression. Now this program is free of charge.


Nik Collection

Nik software is the company, engaged in the creation of tools, plug-ins, that let you edit photos in the complex programs for processing photos. Under the program refers to the entire collection of Adobe software, and Apple Aperture. Until now set Nik Collection tools were available for a fee 150 $. Now, no need to spend a penny.

Решение об отмене продажи представляет собой еще одно изменение в политике компании. earlier, after the acquisition of Nik Software by Google, set Nik Collection has fallen from 500 referred to 150 $. Even though back then it was the opinion of the users a good buy, still a lot of people do not use these tools.


Who can use the Nik Collection?

Now every user of Adobe Photosohop since version CS4 and above, Photoshop Elements since version 9 and higher, Lightroom version 3 and Apple Aperture since version 3.1, You can use these tools for free.

  • Analog Efex Pro – It emulates the retro look and color photos;
  • Color Efex Pro – tools for retouching set;
  • Silver Efex Pro – tool for processing a black-and-white photography;
  • Liveliness – Advanced editing image color and tone;
  • HDR Efex Pro – image support, снятых для HDR;
  • Sharpener Pro – strengthening of field photos;
  • Dfine – image noise removal.

Should I, and where to download?

The answer to the first part of the question is affirmative. Nik tools on the market for many years and have won the recognition of a wide range of photographers. Именно для них предназначены эти продукты, because photography is not just pressing the shutter button, and bringing photos to the process of creating the desired result. It always has been since, as there is a picture.

Today, thanks to such instruments, Nik Collection as the process easier by, although it should be remembered, it is a subjective opinion. In the package are not as important functions, as a way to implement them. Besides, plugins just will not do – You must also have experience.

Nik Collection вы можете скачать с официальной страницы компании, but keep in mind that the package has a considerable size. file is 429 MB in the case of Windows, а для Apple 590 MB, so if you have limited traffic, consider this.

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