IT News

YouTube selectively blocking Russian channels

Forbes опубликовал рейтинг видеоблогеров-миллионеров

At the end of the working week, popular video hosting YouTube has blocked more 200 channels owned by Russian users. This was reported in the famous Telegram-channel Varlamov News.

The exact cause is unknown lock, but many indications, channels that ceased operations due to the artificial cheat subscribers. However, there is another, political version. according to her, blocking undergone channels, He is known for his criticism of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. for example, ютуб-канал “Работа над ошибками”.

Among the victims also appear feykovye accounts Navalny and several other opposition figures. At the moment, the user, who will try to open one of the locked channels, will see a message similar to the following:

“Запрашиваемый вами канал заблокирован по причине нарушения принципов видеохостинга YouTube”.

If the lock is in fact has nothing to do with wrapping, the, looking at all, one of the principles of Youtube can be considered the ideological struggle with dissent.

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