IT News

Windows 10 establish and automatically enforce?

Really Microsoft will step, to encourage users to abandon the old version of the system?

We did not plan to move to Windows 10? Be on the lookout, because it is possible, скоро эта система автоматически появится на вашем компьютере или ноутбуке.

It sounds like a dubious joke? Yes, but for some it is a reality. Такие отзывы появились на форумах, where quite a large number of users have reported the same abnormal situation. Users left on your computer for a while, gone away on business, and returning found that the computer is running Windows 10. However, access to a computer which does not have a person. This example tells me one thing, Update happen automatically without the intervention and approval by users.

maybe? In the first place it comes to people who use Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, who have the possibility of free transition to the new platform. Even last year, the manufacturer has promised to make changes, related updates, as a result of which Windows 10 should be labeled as item "recommended update". And so it happened, each user, который хотел – перешел на windows 10, но это требовало подтверждения всего процесса. Но согласно последней информации, some users do not see the pop-up window with the message.

We look forward to further developments. Форумы не могут рассматриваться как 100% reliable source of information, However, usually it suggests, that something happened wrong.

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