Unfortunately, then yet lacked some innovations, представленных гигантом с Redmond, so it does not stop work on its system. In recent days, Microsoft announced a new test version, which is available for the participants of the Windows Insider program, its designation- 14267.
Update introduces many changes in the browser and EDGE in a retrieval system,, Unfortunately, Not all innovations can enjoy the inhabitants of our country. assembly installation is possible with Windows Update panel, обращает на себя внимание тот факт, that use it can also be the owners of the educational version of Windows.
EDGE browser still does not support plug-ins, enhance its functionality. Unfortunately, пользователи должны довольствоваться новым режимом отображения закладок на панели, that you can freely customize. You can display the bookmarks in a text. Besides, in function of the application was introduced, which eliminates the data browser session ends after. Another major convenience is the ability to choose their, where to store the downloaded files.
The search engine files using Cortana also got new features. In the button is added to the virtual assistant music playback and search for information about her.
Besides, Update fixes bugs, associated with the function of resetting the computer's settings to the original state, ликвидирована ошибка, associated with a message about the error WSClient.dll, and reinstated cameras, using Intel Real Sense.
Assembly 14267 is available for the participants of the program Windows Insader, well, will shake and make sure the hard way what it is. Больше новостей о десятке вы найдете в нашей рубрике Windows redelegated 10