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WhatsApp начнет зарабатывать – появятся объявления и новые инструменты для бизнеса

WhatsApp is currently one of the most popular instant messengers in the world, and Facebook finally, I intend to use its potential. Companies will have the opportunity to advertise their goods and services inside the app.

WhatsApp will start earning - will ads and new business tools

Четыре года назад Facebook потратил миллиарды долларов, that WhatsApp It became a part of it. While this messenger is already used by more than 1,5 billion people, it is still not profitable, but soon it changed.

Experienced Internet users already know, that if someone provides some service for free, only subject to the availability of advertising. Until now, WhatsApp messenger was deprived of her, but the situation will change. В соответствии с сообщением Wall Street Journal, в разделе статус будут показываться рекламные материалы. But that's not all.

see also: Whatsapp messenger - how to install and use the application

Разрабатывается также проект WhatsApp Business для предприятий. Компании получат возможность запуска официальных платформ обслуживания клиентов в рамках программы. Для пользователей звонки должны быть бесплатные, but the corporation will pay for a response from the 0,5 to 9 cents paid for by advertisers and messages will be sent to the client.

certainly, potential 1,5 billion users will want to use a company providing services or selling goods. What happens, We shall see in due course. It is not excluded, with the result that this could lead to an increase in the value of Facebook shares.

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