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Высокий пробег – проблема для продажи подержанного автомобиля

Высокий пробег - проблема для продажи подержанного автомобиля

Все водители панически боятся автомобилей с более высоким пробегом. Многие выбирая автомобиль на сайте объявлений используя фильтр исключают автомобили, who passed over 200 thousands of kilometers. Whether it makes sense?

In the secondary market is dominated by car with mileage of about 150-190 thousands of kilometers. Счетчики с такими показателями могут быть как в автомобилях имеющие несколько лет, and vehicles up to ten years of age or older. In this sense, large does not matter the type of drive and the car's size. Mileage over 250 thousands of kilometers rarer, but with the "troika" in the beginning, it is a rarity.

Mileage two hundred thousand centenarians already a verdict. Because of this, the car becomes extremely difficult to sell. Потенциальные покупатели требуют существенного снижения цены. If the owner pleased with the car, then most will refuse sale, чем решится реализовать за относительно небольшие деньги. But it really annoyed that such a situation the owner will be inclined wind run on the counter.

Страх перед большим пробегом не взялся из ниоткуда. Общаясь с водителями автомобилей стало известно что обладая “Китайцем” имеющий пробег более двух ста тысяч километров владелец имеет постоянные проблемы с ремонтами. However, this fear somehow spread to other cars. And in vain, ведь бывают случаи когда автомобили европейских производителей проезжали по пятьсот тысяч километров и более без серьезных поломок.

Talking about the run rather ambiguous, since the intensity of the use of vehicles is very diverse. From the above analysis of the market turns, that cars overcome an average of about 10-26 thousand. km per year, wherein the result depends on the engine capacity. Attempt to systematize the mileage data has also made the German company TUV. It follows from the research, that the more a car, the higher annual mileage. According to a rough recalculation of data we get 7-10 thousands of kilometers a year, in segment A, 10-15 in segment B, 15-25 for compact and 20-30 segment D. large limousines, minivans and large SUVs are, usually 20-40 thousands of kilometers a year.

Now, specific examples. For the first 2-3 years of operation Audi A6, BMW 5 series, Mercedes E-Class, Volvo V70 or Volkswagen Passat passing in the middle 70-87 thousand. km. After 10-11 years old, average bar for these models already exceeds 170 thousands of kilometers. remind, that it is a statistical danyh. Это подразумевает что автомобиль рассчитан к эксплуатации в течении порядка 10 11 years old, and this despite the run, который может составлять как несколько тысяч километров в год, так и по несколько десятков тысяч километров.

A limited number of vehicles with high mileage on the market does not mean, they were disposed of. The bottom line is that on one hand the car has run two hundred thousand km of the same age over the years is not worse, which has one hundred thousand kilometers on the odometer. Именно из-за этого недопонимания нужна mileage correction. And the reason is very simple, because the sale anyway any car passes inspection, during which the buyer gets his hands on the report with the actual state of the entire vehicle. Therefore, if a used car dealer took care of him, he is able to get for him a fair price, а не “заниженную” только из-за пробега.

As it has been said before, about the condition of the vehicle can not only speak on the basis of mileage. Ключевым фактором является способ эксплуатации транспортного средства и техническая грамотность его владельца. If the owner did not save on the maintenance of the machine, mindful of the need to replace consumables and regular monitoring of oil condition, не трогался с места с холодным двигателем, а также прогревал коробку передач зимой, the state should be a good even at very high mileage.

Little of, автомобиль преодолевший большие расстояния по автострадам, It may be much less worn than the car, who was traveling only short distances in the city - with such operation in the engine there are many adverse events. Paradoxical as it may sound, but high annual mileage, usually, encourages owners to take better care of the vehicle. And all because no one wants that his car broke down halfway, so use the best consumables: quality oil, additive for petrol and oil.

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We recommend to the overview! In the following video you can see the condition of the car engine belonging to the most famous street racing, who took care of him and often change the oil.


Имея автомобиль с отличным техническим состоянием вам следует Distance Bundle, and did not need to be ashamed of. A similar vehicle with less mileage, for which the owner has not cared at all and has a poor technical condition should not be sold for a large sum of money. In the end, it's not fair, and with stereotypes must somehow fight.

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