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Released Far Cry New Dawn. Critics write, series that has not changed even doomsday, and complaining about the "Donut"

Вышла Far Cry New Dawn. Критики пишут, что серию не изменил даже конец света, и жалуются на «донат»

Today, 15 February, на PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One premiere Far Cry New Dawn (on Steam will be available in the evening) - a direct sequel to Far Cry 5. Our review you can read here, and in this article we have compiled the most striking quotes from foreign reviews. Critics have strongly disagreed: some were delighted by dynamic gameplay, transfigured environment and the new regime expeditions, while others were disappointed by excessive similarity to the previous game, unsolved ideas, weak storyline and haunting micropayments. Рейтинг на Metacritic составил 73–75 из 100 points.

Sotrudnik Gaming Trend Cody Spence (Codi Spence), put the game one of the highest ratings (9/10), She praised for its fast gameplay, "Unique and endearing" characters, a variety of secondary studies and cooperative. Cons were few - fleeting basic mission and restricting the distance between the partners in the joint game (this feature was present in Far Cry 5). «Far Cry New Dawn - a terrific addition to the series, especially because, This is the first sequel to another game, - he wrote. — In battles you feel too steep, but it does not mean, you can not go into battle without luggage. And yet it is full of whimsical characters, that will make you laugh in these difficult times ".

Рецензент Digital Trends Стивен Петит (Steven Petite) also pointed out such positive traits shooter, as a fascinating search for resources and crafting and "More interesting version of" округа Хоуп (Hope County). A separate line in the "dignity" received weapons The Saw Launcher - a hybrid of a crossbow and saws, which the journalist called "Coolest" in Game. disadvantages, in his view, in Far Cry New Dawn others: poorly written story and less, than in other parts, number of missions (although the passage of his main line of tasks took about 20 hours). Overall Petite advise all fans of the game series.

Рецензент IGN Дэймон Хэтфилд (Daemon Hatfield) considers, that Ubisoft could do transfigured District Hope even better, but, However, recognized, that the game is full of "Chaotic fun". He described the game as a budget version of Far Cry (however, She is standing $40, but not $60). On the plus side, he singled out expeditions mode and story missions. According to him, Far Cry New Dawn — "Pleasant entertainment", which will help brighten up waiting for the next big part of the series.

«Far Cry 5 it is better, Far Cry New Dawn too like her, and recommend it only to those standing, who want more of the same game, but with less thought-out vision ", — написал сотрудник TheSixthAxis Гарет Чедвик (Gareth Chadwick). Journalist like battles and new skills, a game he called itself "Incredibly cute". On the other hand, many features (primarily micropayments) It seemed to him superfluous. He also complained about the lack of opportunities, some of Far Cry 5 (eg, take not one, and two support characters) and Bagi.

Microtransactions in the game is always in sight. For real money you can buy a kit of parts for better weapons, and new vehicles, и дополнительные очки умений. «Донат» не позволит получить уникальные предметы — с его помощью можно только сэкономить время — но тот факт, shooter that constantly reminds us that possibility, not much like journalists. Сотрудник Game Informer Джефф Марчиафава (Jeff Marchiafava) I called micropayments «самым антиутопичным из всего, что можно найти на облучённых пустошах Far Cry New Dawn».

«Far Cry New Dawn is not as strong, as a forerunner, and her story is no good, but I still had fun good, returning to familiar ground, - he confessed to the journalist God is a Geek Chris White (Chris White). — there is a feeling, that something is missing. The game is not like the sequel - more on great addition. I stumbled on a few bugs, which led me confused, I thought, Ubisoft Montreal that it would be necessary to do something new, create a completely different adventure ".

«Far Cry New Dawn is more like endgeym Far Cry 5, — отметил сотрудник Windows Central Ашер Мадан (Asher Madan). — It's more of an epilogue, which was worth to include in the main game (may be, a pay additional content). If you want to know, what ended the story of the fifth, you need to play Far Cry New Dawn ».

One of the lowest ratings (6/10) досталась шутеру от сотрудника GameSpot Эдмонда Трана (Edmond Tran). RPG mechanics he called excessive, postapokalipticheskiй setting - neraskrыtыm, plot and characters - washed-out. At the same time he was pleased with the study of the world and the system of character development, enliven the battles and expeditions supernormal, "Demonstrating a stunning level design".

"Many features of Far Cry New Dawn great potential, but they have nowhere to turn, they are not disclosed, - wrote Tran. — This also applies to the post-apocalyptic theme, and RPG-mechanic, and weapons, and transport, and plot, and characters. Play it fun, especially after, how to get super powers, but mainly due to the compelling battle system and character development model of Far Cry 5. Overall, Far Cry New Dawn - pleasant, but unremarkable branch, which could be more than that ".

According to the reviewer DualShockers, by which the game got the same evaluation, Far Cry New Dawn in many ways better than any other part of the. This also applies to the environment, who received the most beautiful and diverse in the series. critic says, that the shooter, despite the shortcomings, allows a glimpse of the future of Far Cry. Ubisoft is necessary to make the story as quality, as the game design, and then, possibly, "We see the top of the series in the face of Far Cry 6".

A source: Metacritic

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