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Выбор ювелирных изделий для работы

Выбор ювелирных изделий для работы

Women want every day to look as good as possible. The problem begins, когда на работе действует жесткий дресс код. But who said, что в таком случае наряд должен выглядеть скучно и банально? Элегантное дополнение в виде ювелирных изделий украсит костюмы во всех оттенках серого и черных тонах. What to choose, to feel at work elegantly, comfortable and in accordance with the rules approved? This will be discussed in this article.

Dress code

Бизнес дресс код как правило, clearly defines the rules, господствующие на работе. Jewelery and silver rings в частности должны быть нежные и приглушенные. Often, благодаря ювелирным изделиям женщины подчеркивают свой престиж и положение в компании. Therefore categorically not acceptable to choose jewelry from cheap materials, such as plastic. In turn, the dominant mode can be left for the weekend.

classical decoration

Shiny pebbles of all colors are suitable for many outfits. Для работы стоит выбрать яркое и уникальное сочетание цветов. A small pendant in the shape of balls will not be evident during routine tasks. A modest silver earrings or bracelet with stone gently accentuate the fashion this year. However, we must remember, that we should not overdo it with the number of decorations. Earrings or fine silver bracelet will be enough.

Earrings to work

When buying earrings for work should be guided by one principle: they can not be too large. And it's not just about humility. Remember, large earrings can be impractical and stop quickly put the phone to your ear. modest silver earrings underline the professionalism and will not be disturbed.

Necklace only modest shirts

Ожерелье с драгоценными камнями является must have каждой модной женщины уже несколько сезонов подряд. but, colored stones and massive decorations should leave for an evening out with friends. those fit for work, which are made of high-quality stones and precious metals. Necklaces are suitable for simple shirts. If you decide for a necklace, you have to remember about the modest but elegant choice of clothes.

Как украшаются знаменитости

Знаменитые личности все также выбирают золотые или серебряные цепочки с нежными украшениями. Therefore, companies are competing in the creation of more new items. Small pendant unobtrusive adornment able to give both women's suits freshness, and dress. Сочетание некоторых кулонов интересно смотрится. Delicate ornaments are a big hit among the stars. They are actresses and bloggers. Этот вид украшений наиболее подходит блузке с полукруглым v-образным вырезом.

handmade jewelry

Элегантные длинные серьги ручной работы подойдут в случае прически с короткими волосами или обрезанными локонами. These accessories look great with a white shirt, which is mandatory in most women.

Кольца и работа

Every woman can easily find on the market something for yourself, как из серебра так и белого золота. However, it should pay particular attention to the number of rings used at work. Ornaments on each finger not only look bad, but also make it difficult to typing on a computer keyboard, or perform other actions.

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