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Selects the first running shoes

You start running and do not know what is best for running shoes to buy? To begin, select shoes with light and flexible outsole. Why? This will be discussed below.Selects the first running shoes

runners, которые делают на своем пути первые шаги, должны обратить особое внимание на правильный выбор спортивной обуви, которая предоставит им во время тренировки удобство и безопасность. Interesting, some men's sneakers for beginners the best? Read our tips.

In the first place comfort

If you are just starting jogging looking for simple and versatile models. Shoes for a beginner runner has to have a light and flexible outsole. Good, that its central portion was made from a solid foam . Over time, orient themselves, some running shoes in your case is best suited - depending on your preference and the surface, on which you will run.

Safety footwear for running

As you may have, probably, time to learn, the most common reason for not running for beginners are injuries. Injuries occur predominantly:

we will focus, of course, for another reason, ie incorrectly matched shoes.

As can harm incorrectly matched sneakers?

One of the main injury , caused by ill-fitting shoes, a tendon injury. Начинающие бегуны стараются часто приобретать профессиональные ботинки для бега. Но такие кроссовки очень часто имеют жесткий запяток, which can cause friction.

note! Отсутствие амортизации в ботинках (special, when we run on asphalt), It can cause pain in the knees, голени и кости”.

Амортизация кроссовок для бега

If you are going to run in the woods around the clearing, covered with grass, you can forget about the shoe cushioning for racing. I think, that during the first few months you will not run more than 3-5 km in one workout. Your race will not be swift, а остановки на дистанции будут довольно частыми. Think, так ли вам нужна супер амортизированная обувь.

Амортизация в обуви должна предотвратить травмы колена, feet, thigh. If you run on a soft surface, shock-absorber role does base itself (that is, even litter).

Our advice such:

Купить кроссовки вы можете любой марки, it can be both expensive and cheaper models. Наденьте их на ноги и пробежите по магазину. Если вам комфортно в них – покупайте.

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