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Внутрипольные конвекторы – конструкция и монтаж

Convectors are widely used both in public buildings, and in private homes, single and multi-family. Mounted in the floor of the room, which is necessary to heat. Some types of devices can be used as the cooling system of the premises, if the equipment has a corresponding function.

Where to install convectors

heaters channel, usually, set along windows and doors opening onto the terrace, и вдоль всех остальных фрагментов стен жилых зданий. Наиболее оптимальным является размещение радиаторов таким образом, their length to exceed the length of the glazing, along which they are installed.

Внутрипольные водяные конвекторы are installed in the corners and along the inner walls of premises. The most common channel length of the heaters 100 to 350 cm, height of 9 to 14 cm and a width of 18 to 42 cm. Usually, it is possible to order different size, Heating equipment is the standard length and width.

Конструкция конвекторов внутрипольных

In many models convectors heating element is a heat exchanger, made of copper and aluminum, which is installed in a steel box, further galvanized on each side. In some devices, set a plate heat exchanger, which is a copper tube with lamellae, made of aluminum. The structure of such a system also includes:

  • steel box,
  • centrifugal fans,
  • maskirovochnaya grid.

Below, in the photo you can see a diagram of convectors with fan.

Thanks to the ventilation system can achieve better performance and, Consequently, faster heat distribution in the room. The quiet operation of the fan provides the corresponding user comfort heating. Heater fan enables easy control in said heating room.

In the case of floor convector depth from 10 to 20 see heating element is in the middle of the channel. In turn, when the channel depth is greater (It can reach up to 65 cm), a heating element adjacent to the inner channel wall.

Installation Instructions

It is assumed, that the distance from the radiator glazed partitions (eg, leading to the terrace) It should be about 20 – 30 cm. The channel should be carried out according to a strictly specify the size, So, to ensure the stability of the structure.

At the same time you need to remember about ensuring proper insulation, that protects the channel from the unwanted moisture. It is best to use for this purpose material, which was used to insulate homes, eg, polystyrene desired thickness. This reduces heat loss in the entire heating system.

Besides, It should be understood low resistance side walls. It is necessary to fill the possible voids, Seal is best done with the help of foam.

At the time of the place it is necessary to take into account a possible gap and plan for extra distance when mounting boxes, a total of a few centimeters along, across and into the interior channel. Installation of the heater should be based on the attached chart setting so, to the subsequent operation of the system made it possible to achieve an optimum thermal power unit.

note! lattice frame, representing part of the box, not resistant to pressure, so the bottom of the box should be based on the bottom of the channel, to not further burden border.

The heat exchanger in the case of duct heaters can be installed in several ways.

  1. The first method takes into account the main heat loss, the sources of which are the window in a heated room. In this case, a heat exchanger installed in the channel will be placed on the part of the heated space.
  2. In a second embodiment,, It takes into account the loss of heat, occurring due to the weaker sealing not only walls, but other partitions, the heat exchanger is located in the center of the box. This solution will provide a better air flow, both from the windows, or from the room itself.
  3. A third method involves mounting the heat exchanger in the channel occupancy of the heating system on the window side, in a situation, when heat loss, occurring due to the glass walls are less than 20% any losses in the room. Then cooler air will drive up, что не повлияет на циркуляцию холодного воздуха со стороны окна.

Convector can be connected on one side only. Usually, space, which should be enough to connect the device to the entire heating system does not exceed 18 inches. Installation is performed by thermostatic valves. It should be borne in mind, that incorrect installation disturb the air circulation and adversely affect the temperature distribution. Теплообменник в радиаторе можно подключать с помощью термостатических клапанов со специальными головками. Такой клапан монтируется в канале непосредственно на элементе отопления, in turn, thermostatic head is placed on one of the walls of the room.

note! Do not set the head to the previously established channel inside the valve, due to lack of further heating the adequate regulation, and also because of the inconvenience of access to the head.

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