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Effect of pollutants on the hydraulic oil

You've probably guessed, либо слышали от других о вреде загрязнений в масле двигателя или коробке передач. Прочтите эту статью и узнайте чем вредны загрязнения в масле для гидравлической системы.

oil pollution Methods

are major sources:

Pollution adversely affects the oil work by:

The greater the degree of pollution, the faster the oil wear and premature replacement becomes necessary. Replacing the oil to choose the best, hydraulic oil mobil то что нужно вашему автомобилю.

Влияние загрязненного масла на работу гидравлической системы

Changes in the characteristics of the oil pollution resulting not remain without influence to the hydraulic system of the machine. The impact on the hydraulic system determines the amount of pollution. Smaller particles pass freely through the gaps, and more pieces are stopped in front of him. Constitute the greatest danger of contamination in the amount close to the size of the gap, between communication elements. Then it comes to particularly intense wear elements, reduction of the functional overload and subsequent contamination, and in critical situations to the destruction of the element.

The presence of contamination can cause the formation of:

Особенно чувствительными к загрязнению являются сервопривод и пропорциональные клапаны. Размер щелей в сервоприводе составляют 1 – 4 m, that a relatively large percentage of the participation of contaminants in the oil creates conditions conducive to intensive wear.

Besides, they are also exposed to bedding sticky tar, evolved from the oxidation of. This leads to the formation of additional resistance to movement of the pistons control, приводимых в действие электромагнитными катушками, which in turn contributes to the unstable operation of valves.

Differences in cycle time can be up to 0,3 s that can not remain without influence on the quality of products. Occurring substances play the role of Velcro which also stops the small size of pollution, which further increases the abrasion.

Studies show presented in different sources, responsible for pollution 70 – 80% All breakdowns and failures in hydraulic systems. Proper Maintenance of oil avoids almost 80% damage to the hydraulics.

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