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Virus WannaCry secretly Mein cryptocurrency with computers and laptops ordinary users

Computer code EternalBlue, who stole the US NSA, still activated by criminals and is a key element of dangerous software. Теперь пользователи могут пострадать от вируса WannaMine, who appeared with the introduction of the said program year. With this malware, on personal computers and laptops, users at Mining cryptocurrency.Virus WannaCry secretly Mein cryptocurrency with computers and laptops ordinary users

Gets on the PC, the virus in different ways: someone clicks on suspicious links, and someone becomes the victim of a targeted introduction of the hidden code in the OS. After breaking into a system, WannaMine задействует функцию Mimikatz с помощью которой собирается информация о логинах и паролях ПК. If the data fails to collect, instead Mimikatz starts EternalBlue code.

In some cases, when the PC was a member of the network established working, то вирус WannaMine проникнет и на другие компьютеры, which are included in the corporate network. This will stop work for a certain period of time.
experts note, now increasingly EternalBlue computer code comes into the hands of ordinary criminals and they create dangerous viruses. Previously, this program was available kiberhakeram "higher tier", but now things are changing for the worse.

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