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Video: IP or analogue

Відеоспостереження: ІР чи аналог

Recently began to appear more and more alternatives to IP-Surveillance, based video transmission over coaxial HD. Should we take this technology seriously, and how they are able to compete IP? Single answer to this question: in the choice of technology has always involved a number of factors. Finally, if alternative solutions were so bad, market would be sorted out with them quickly and ruthlessly.

Одним з основних структурних відмінностей “не-IP» є те, video compression that is held outside the chamber. Formation of standard video streams in IP-cameras, on the one hand, вимагає наявності в камері обчислювальної потужності – однак, other, lets not skimp on signal resolution and provide the ability to view and record images without any special devices, linked to the producer and / or specific standards. And if the network camera is actually a bit gutted let, but still computer, то ніщо не заважає грунтовно запакувати її софтом – як специфічним для моделі (alignment angle distortion wide angle lenses or "stitching" multisensor images in the entire panorama), and universal ( videoanalityka, event management, Working with Audio). Alternative camera can not always be controlled by cables, що передають відеосигнал – наприклад, SDI format that does not provide.

In terms of resolution, IP is far ahead, but many reasonable question given: why? Most security applications currently enough HD; high definition compared to the "analog" yet it seems almost a luxury. However, not all alternatives are able to provide high-definition; So, формат 960Н – всього лише розширення все тих же PAL і NTSC по горизонталі, has kept the number of lines of vertical accordance with analog standards last century. Стандартна кабельна обв’язка минулих десятиліть – коаксіальний кабель – цілком придатний для передачі і IP-сигналу. Even for networked systems this can be an advantage in terms of data security in the network, but with the additional costs can make 200-400 dollars per IP-camera. IP-video can be recorded on any computer with access to the network and the corresponding switch back to software, others can not boast. This video recording standard analog signals are completely potribnymy.Yak only comes to purchase additional hardware, compatibility issues arise. In IP-Surveillance ONVIF through the efforts of the past few years, new network camera models are compatible with almost all ONVIF. With alternative standards more or less decently is compatible only with permission of the poorest in terms 960H.

Cameras and DVR 960H with a minimum price of all the options considered. However, they also have minimal opportunities, especially, in terms of resolution. Currently, apparently, the position of any IP standards seriously unable to qualify. Therefore, manufacturers of network cameras, means of recording and managing software can easily and systematically stimulate sales. Their argument is well known and has not changed for over a decade. Perhaps, That is what they try, who chose an alternative path. Головне в цій гонці – не забути про кінцеве і безпосереднє завдання систем відеоспостереження.

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