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Typesetter - who is it, and that it is necessary that they become

“Дизайн языка программирования — это как прогулка по парку. Парку Юрского Периода.”

Larry Wall

Everyone in the chaotic school period had such a subject as "programming". Next Life, sitting at their desks university, we watched the magic. He reincarnated as "programming computer systems". Over time, a certain phenomenon called “website layout” developed from it. What is it really?

Typesetter - the creator of the entire site

In the common people, "make" means "create". For uninformed people, may seem for a moment, that there is no difference. What is a programmer, that the typesetter sat at the same desk, listened to the same lectures. But few people know, that further their paths diverged.

Layout designer - creates a coded layout of the site. the, what is going to be there, the designer will fill in, and the programmer, in turn, make the site work.

No wonder there is an expression, «наверстать упущенное» – значит вновь обрести, what has been lost. The task of the layout designer is to do so, to have nothing to regret. Especially for a programmer, because it will not be sweet for him later.

What is needed in order, to become a layout designer

Записаться на ІТ курсы “Верстальщик сайтов” вы можете на сайте but consider, the work of the "invisible guardians of the creation of the web page", in my opinion, underestimated:

In addition to the sparkling love of life and innate workaholism, need to absorb knowledge:

It's so simple :).

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