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В Windows 10 You will have access to Linux files from Windows Explorer

В Windows 10 появится доступ к файлам Linux из Проводника

The April update Windows 10 It will be a new opportunity, Related Linux subsystem. This subsystem has appeared almost immediately after the "tens" exit and rapidly developing. Now, As expected, It will add support for file access and file system directly from Windows Explorer.

At the moment, this functionality is already implemented in Windows 10 assembly 18836, which, in fact, It is a preliminary version of Windows Update 10. It should come out in a year - in the spring of 2020. However, Microsoft says, that adequate opportunity will be available this April.

The company said, that use this feature is very simple. You need to enter explorer.exe in a suitable Linux distribution, which is installed in Windows 10, which will open an Explorer window with the Linux file. In this case, users will be available in almost all the same features, and that in the base system. Among them - up, displacement, paste and so on.

Among specify, that this feature is still in the early stages of development, because in the future there will be additional opportunities, although it is not clear what. Finished the implementation will be available on Windows 10 assembly 1903. При этом Microsoft заявляет, that this feature is still in the early stages, and some improvements already in development, so the experience should be greatly improved, when in April will be released version of Windows 10 1903.

Until the weft, such as sales increased system requirements for Windows, but, seem to be, changes will not be too large. The very same Windows Update 10 April 2019 Update will be fully completed in March, after which it will start to roll out around the world.

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