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The official Ferrari showrooms rolled the odometer reading

Один из бывших продавцов Ferrari рассказал, American dealers of the brand over the years constantly twisted speedometers in their cars. According to information published in the Daily Mail, in this case production is expected to bring legal.

The case unfolded as follows:. Company Ferrari She fired her seller, who worked on it as much as 22 of the year. According to the dismissed employee, это произошло из-за того что он обнаружил для чего именно служит устройство под названием Deis Tester. Самым шокирующим во всей этой истории является то, what computer, используемый для скручивания спидометров был разработан самой компанией Ferrari.

Said equipment allows without a trace dump indicators speedometers all Ferrari models. Благодаря таким нехитрым манипуляциям продавцы могли продавать бессознательном клиентам подержаные автомобили по цене новых. I think, You do not need to explain, in the case of expensive cars, the price difference is measured in tens of thousands of dollars.

As it has been said before, it was announced by the media dismissed Seller. The company also said that in retaliation by these machinations engaged fired employee, therefore shifts all the responsibility on his shoulders, because of them I did not know anything.

The problem is that, that in this tangled history of the company involved, in fact can not simply disown device, which has developed itself and applies in all its salons and a hundred. Moreover, according to statements by US law enforcement, on this fact under investigation, since twisting run strictly punishable by law.

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