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In Russia, developed a system of intelligent robot control

Researchers from the Far Eastern Federal University (DVFU) and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEBRAS) We proposed a universal system of intelligent robot control.

In Russia, developed a system of intelligent robot control

The developed solution can be used in robotic plants for different purposes. It can be, let us say, industrial robots, manipulators, surface and underwater robots, etc..

The system allows you to plan the trajectory of movement of the robot in the environment with unknown obstacles. it, allegedly, greatly increases productivity and reduces costs. Besides, the proposed solution makes it possible to diagnose the operational problems encountered.

As part of the system used vision tools. If the robot's task is to treat any parts, using three-dimensional digital models of these products.

In Russia, developed a system of intelligent robot control

Development scientists FEFU and FEB RAS has already been implemented at the plant "Dalpribor" (Vladivostok) the area processing cast billets locksmith. Innovation has allowed triple the production capacity and completely eliminate marriage.

celebrated, that the system will be presented for the award of the Russian Federation 2019 year in the area for young scientists in science and technology.

A source: Far Eastern Federal University

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