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In the public domain there were pictures of the lunar surface with the mission of Chang'e-3

В открытом доступе появились фотографии поверхности Луны с миссии Chang'e-3

Although from landing Chang'e 3 the Moon has been more than two years, so far we have not had a chance to enjoy the view as a substantial gallery of photos, сделанных в ходе этой миссии. Если вы ожидаете на несколько, at most a few dozen photos, I have to disappoint you. And it is in the positive sense of the word. Фотографий гораздо больше хотя многие из них повторяются. Часть фото из посадочного модуля Chang’e 3, and the remainder was made using all-terrain camera Yutu. Submissions, this is only part of the, that could be observed in the framework of the Chinese Mission.

Photo Galleries

Below you will find a gallery of photos from the orbiting missions Chang'e 1 and 2, and 3, which, as we know, It has been associated with the delivery of planetary rovers on the surface of our satellite.

Tycho Crater, as seen from the deck Chang'e 2

Всех файлов – около 35 GB. Фотографии и панорамы вездеход Yutu сделал в разное время миссии, in which the main part, It took place at the end 2013 year and in the first three months 2014 of the year. lander's camera work only one day, so we do not have a spectacular trip Yutu documentation on the moon's surface from this point of view,, although some managed to get spectacular shots.

Some of the material is available in color, else in the form of a monochrome image. Over the quality of these materials, as processing quality, can be discussed, but this is a topic for another material.

A few words about Chatelet and soon

С посадки китайского марсохода на Луне, our attention has been focused on a photo mission rezultatatah, rather than describing the capabilities of equipment. known, that the lander, and the rover to collect visual data has three identical chambers. Each with a CMOS sensor with a resolution of 2352 x 1728 pixels and conventional filter system.

Chinese lander sat a few hundred kilometers away from the place, Where 45 years ago, the Soviet Lunokhod landed 1. Time efficient operation of Chang'e 3 Yutu and it was not much more, than the Lunokhod. after two weeks (Lunokhod worked without problems, just on 3 days less), there were problems, which did not allow Yutu no problems to move across the surface of the Moon.

For that Yutu and Chang'e lander 3 did much better, than Lunokhod. We know, что еще в середине января этого года аппарат поставлял данные о поверхности Луны – ее химическом составе и геологическом строение.

track, which he won Yutu

At the end of December 2015 year published an article, in which a group of researchers reported the discovery of a basalt rock group and previously unknown part of. It supports the theory, chemical composition (We paid special attention to the content of titanium dioxide) rocks on the lunar surface greatly uneven. Attention is also paid to the age of the rocks, beginning with 3 billion years.

What's next with the Chinese lunar exploration program?

No one doubts, that the Chinese have ambitions first set foot on the moon in the XXI century. A prelude to manned missions will be the next expedition, within the Chang'e program. The mission of Chang'e-5 is scheduled for 2017 year, It involves landing on the Moon and return samples of the lunar soil.

A year later, one of the Chang'e lunar rovers 4 has as a first in the history of land on the dark side of the moon. Вторая половина Chang’e-4 попадает на так называемую точку libracyjnego L2, where he will receive the data from the lander.

AT 2020 year the moon will be sent to another, much more advanced, offroader, but it is still a draft, which is discussed.

A source: Planetary Society Blog

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