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В Германии заработал “Закон о Facebook”

В Германии заработал так называемый “Закон о Facebook”. акон, designed to combat hate speech on social networks in Germany (adopted in late June), entered into force 1 October 2017 of the year, сообщают “Новости Мелитополя”

It means, that from now on social media in Germany are required for 24 hours delete posts, that contain misinformation, incitement to violence and hatred. If during this period of the said content will not be removed, the social networks faces a fine - up to 50 million. euro!

According to leading German media, to the attention of the lens by the local authorities get such giants, as Facebook, Twitter и YouTube. Besides, Ministry of Justice of the country plans to check for compliance with the law and a number of other smaller projects. It is about VKontakte, Vimeo, Reddit, Flickr, etc..

The purpose of the adopted law, по словам пресс-секретаря министерства юстиции Жозефин Штеффен (Josephine Steffen), - to provide an open and democratic culture of communication on the Web, and to ensure the protection of its users, that might be affected by any manifestation of hatred and misinformation.

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