IT News

This year we will not see so many new wearable as last year

Seem to be, that manufacturers are not so optimistic about the release of new models of smart watches.

SmartWatche from the outset could not attract the attention of a wider group of users. Manufacturers also regularly introduces new models. We recently met with Apple Watch Series 2 и Samsung Gear S3, but it seems that, что очередных громких премьер ожидать не следует.

Из опубликованных отчетов следует, before the end 2016 year will not be provided with any one model of smart hours Android Wear from major manufacturers. And above all,, Huawei, LG и Motorola.

To explain this situation can only be the lack of profits in the sector. In other words, manufacturers do not see any sense to invest in new technologies and smart chips hours, because users still treat them with indifference. Common sense suggests that the need to invest in those sectors, that give a good return.

This year may be the premiere of wearable only small producers, but they are unlikely to be different new chips except that design.

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