IT News

Do you have a Web site? Start to promote it!

У вас есть сайт? Начните его продвигать!

Even the best website, thought out to the smallest detail, formed in severity usability rules and having a large content of not justify hopes, if no one will attend. Time, when it was enough to create interesting page and wait for the storm of Internet users have gone forever. Without a properly conducted promote the chances of success drop dramatically. Internet redefined the traditional concept of advertising. If you aim for success, the need to pay attention to advertising, to raise the attendance of the resource.

Start from the beginning

The success of a site, should think more before creating. One of the most important issues, которые стоит себе задать уже на этапе планирования сайта, this is his theme and content. If you are into biking, certainly want, that the site concerned is to, what you understand and what interests. But it is worth considering, whether there is any area, thematic, concerning bicycles, which missed the owners of other sites.

At the current level of competition in network, найденная успешная ниша может обеспечить преимущество и поток посетителей из поисковиков. Taking into account the number of users on the network, even very highly specialized topics can be of great interest and generate more traffic. The competition for a strong position in the general subject areas can last a very long time, and that does not necessarily result in success.

Another thing, What it is worth asking before creating the site, this domain address. The domain name is of great importance in promoting the site in search engines. Easy to remember for a long time present in the network domain can greatly help in promoting the site on the top positions. Therefore it is necessary to pick up and purchase it before, how the site will be created. Thanks to this will avoid unpleasant surprises, c associated cybersquatting, то есть с покупкой домена, which is then sold at a much higher price.

If you have already created a website, and begin the first steps, It should make sure that it is convenient and attractive to users. О том что сайт удобен для пользователей интернета говорят несколько факторов. К числу наиболее важных относятся удобная навигация, и наличие стандартного расположения элементов сайта. Пользователь при входе на сайт сразу должен понять с кем имеет дело и какова тематика сайта.

advertisement, but what?

If you already have a website, it's time to let them know of their existence. The best place for demonstrations are the search engines, но стоит сразу же обратить внимание на Internet advertising costs, it is different thing to consider from the outset.

Именно с помощью поисковиков интернет-пользователи находят информацию, who seek. Enter the search phrase, immediately get hundreds of addresses, by which with a high probability are then, searched. The most comfortable situation for you is the one, when the address of your site is displayed at the top of the search results. The first position is very useful, because the order 90% Internet users visit no more 5 first address.

Let's go back to our example with bicycles. supposing, that you want to open an online store it with bicycles. User, вводит в поисковике слово “велосипеды” и попадает сразу на адрес вашего магазина. If it happened, probably, your store would never have had a problem with a lack of orders. But unfortunately this query competition hugest, and the first position is only one. Achieving high rankings was made possible by seo. This is a series of steps, which allow the page displayed by highly specific queries.

the, that achieving the first position for the query "bikes" borders on a miracle does not mean, you need not despair and give up. One only has to look at other less popular words, due to which customers get to your store. Если не знаете как подобрать самостоятельно нужные слова обратитесь в сервис, dealing with SEO optimization, website promotion and many others. Here the principle is very simple, less competition will be chosen phrase, the more success you will achieve.

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