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Трейд Интер Групп – стрейч и клейкая пленка

Трейд Интер Групп - стрейч и клейкая пленка

Inter Trade Group (официальный сайт – It is the dominant producer of stretch film and adhesive tape in Ukraine. Значимой позиции на рынке компания добилась благодаря многолетнему опыту и применению новейших производственных технологий, It is making it even more competitive.


Число ее клиентов постоянно растет, it is for them it is constantly improving, develops, guaranteed by a professional and friendly service team of highly qualified consultants, logisticians and engineers. Компания заботится о качестве своей продукции и окружающей среде, as evidenced by the resulting it in 2015 году сертификат от Министерства Здравоохранения Украины.

About company

В производстве стрейч пленки компания специализируется более 10-ти лет. The dynamic development has led to the commissioning in 2015 year, a brand new production of cardboard rolls, It is making it independent manufacturer of stretch film.

The company also acquired a first-class machines for rewinding stretch film, as well as machines for the manufacture of cardboard sleeves with a number of innovative solutions. As befits a professional manufacturer, it supplies the market with products of the highest quality.

Trade Inter Group provides its services, both large and small companies, trying to meet the expectations of each client, как оптового так и розничного покупателя. В ее предложении вы можете найти широкий ассортимент продукции, among other things,, клейкая и stretch film.

Продажи Трейд Интер Групп ведет по всей территории страны, where it is perceived as a respected partner. The quality of goods sold by it is always at the highest level. Therefore, it is possible to build long-term working relationships with their customers, What proof can be a large group of loyal customers.

Wanting to improve their future and their clients, Трейд Интер Групп приняла ряд мер, by which he received the Certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Это дает ощущение комфорта и безопасности ее партнерам. Pledged in the project activities, provide enterprise development, in particular by innovation in manufacturing process, покупкой нового специального устройства – с целью получения возможности введения в ассортимент новых товаров – что даст возможность повышения конкурентоспособности компании.

Unbelievable, but it is a fact

Stretch film can be used in many cases,, а не только по прямому назначению – упаковке товаров или продуктов питания. That there is even a greenhouse hemisphere of stretch film and valves for garden.

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