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Trench laying of power cables - applications, the main features of the gasket.

photo of the trench with the cableLaying in the trenches - a fairly common option pads, as this method is rather simple and comparatively cost effective. According to the rules, use this type of gasket is allowed if there is not more than six power cables. If the cables are characterized by voltage up 10 KB, the distance between them should be at least 100 mm. In the case of cable voltage 35 KB, such distance should be increased to 250 mm. Increasing the number of more than the permitted number of cables you will thereby reduce the capacity of the cables due to their thermal interference.

One solution in the presence of a large number of power cables - to arrange them in a single trench, but break them into groups, where the distance between the groups will be at least 50 cm, or positioned in a trench near, but the distance between such trenches should be at least 100 cm., VVG 2h2.5 cable in the trenches is laid way "snake", to compensate for the thermal distortion due to possible future soil displacement. The depth of the trench depends on, what kind of cable with some indicators of stress is planned to lay. It notes the need for rules and bedding of the trench bottom sifted earth or sand. Such a layer should be about 10 cm.

For backfilling use land, dug from the trench themselves, but at the same time it is removed from the rocks, slag, lime, all debris. If the cable connection is planned in the city, village or another village, the, usually, it is done in the trenches on the side streets impassable (Under sidewalks), in the courts, Technical bands (eg, for lawns). Cable line in green space area laid with the distance from the cable to the tree trunk at least 200 cm. From tramways cable installation must retreat to a distance not less than 2 m 75 cm. Often in the trenches for laying cable is used with aluminum shell type AAB. This cable is cheaper, than lead sheathed cables. When laying this type of cable you need to consider the conditions for its gasket, under the rules of the Ministry of Energy. And allowed applications unarmoured power cable brand AASHV, which has an aluminum shell, placed in a protective PVC hose and agreed with some installation conditions, among which, for example, use of bedding and backfilling with clean soil without litter, as well as the soil does not have in its chemical composition to act destructively on cable. During the excavation of the cable can not be used metal tools, and when passing through the wall should be used pieces of plastic pipes.

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