Toyota and Panasonic will work together to produce batteries for electric cars|Automotive

Toyota and Panasonic will work together to produce batteries for electric cars

Panasonic, Tesla partner for the supply of batteries, Toyota intends to set up a joint venture for the production of batteries for electric vehicles, production capacity of which will be in China and Japan.

Toyota and Panasonic will establish a joint venture for the production of batteries for electric vehicles

Report this resource Nikkei claims, about the formation of the new company will be announced this week. Toyota companies will belong to the new joint venture 51 % authorized capital. Panasonic выделит предприятию пять своих производственных объектов по выпуску аккумуляторных батарей в Китае и Японии. В этот перечень не будет включён завод в США, where Panasonic produces batteries for electric vehicles in partnership with Tesla.

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