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Top 5 Cases for iPhone 8 and 8 Plus

Топ 5 чехлов для iPhone 8 и 8 Plus

You are a lucky owner of a new iPhone 8 or 8 Plus, and you do not know, a case for him to choose? В этой статье представлена подборка ТОП-5 самых интересных моделей.

SwitchEasy Glass Case Gold

On the advantages of slipcovers producer Griffin we could talk for hours. Чехол SwitchEasy Glass Case Gold пользователи хвалят прежде всего за небольшую толщину. Модель сверхтонкая, It protects your iPhone from scratches, slipping from the hands of, and at the same time it does not interfere in its use, потому что почти незаметен для пользователя. Все благодаря небольшому весу и ультратонкому материалу, which does not spoil the elegant design iPhone. Golden color gives status, and in the case of Apple's latest smartphone is more than ever to the article, because it costs more than one thousand dollars. Приобрести чехол для своего iPhone 8 вы можете в магазине iTarget по следующей ссылке:

Laut R1 Leather case Slate

those people, who lead an active lifestyle, needs more reliable than the previous case, they should pay attention to Laut R1 Leather case Slate, made of a resilient material falls, namely polycarbonate. Its biggest advantage is, undoubtedly, большая устойчивость к ударам и хорошее соотношение цены и качества. Он не слишком толстый, confidence is even in wet or damp hand, that is not uncommon in training. It is an excellent protection against scratches and Falling, so it is a favorite of many buyers.

SwitchEasy Glass Case Black

Еще одно предложение для любителей минимализма и небольших размеров. Если вы один из них, carefully read with this embodiment,, thanks to him your iPhone, certainly, It becomes tatty and did not attract the attention of pickpockets. Case despite thin form factor provides a reliable fall protection. It is difficult to find a model with the same dimensions and the same performance impact protection.

SwitchEasy Fleur Case Arctic White

If the previous option is suitable mostly for men, then this one is for the girls. И дело даже не в цвете как в надежности. SwitchEasy Fleur Case Arctic White характеризуется высокой устойчивостью к ударам, which occur more often in girls than in boys. Statistics show, Members of the weaker sex in the 30% increasingly turning to service centers due to a broken phone.

Urban Armor Gear Metropolis Red

If you like the combination of practicality and classical style, none of the previous covers not satisfy you so, как Urban Armor Gear Metropolis Red. Anti-slip finishing and magnetically closable front cover, make it not only fun to use, но также элегантным и эффективным для защиты iPhone от падения или царапин дисплея/корпуса в результате контакта с ключами в кармане. Besides, located in the interior of the pocket, allow to carry a bank card, Roughly speaking it replaces your wallet, which can often be forgotten at home. Of course, in the pocket, you can insert anything, though note a little money, not necessarily a bank card.

From video to this article you will learn what other covers for iPhone 8 can be found on the market. Enjoy watching.

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