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Top 3 man gift for the new year

Подарки для джентльменов это настоящий вызов. What Christmas gifts expired, how to choose the right, which is not only useful, но и будет обладать соответствующей эстетикой? perfect gift idea tells Lisa glossy magazine.

box ties

Tie is the main element of a gentleman, who care about their appearance. But if you want to give this element of the wardrobe, you can run into a few problems. There is an exit, you can buy and donate once a box Tie. In the market there is no shortage of such sentences for men, and if you make the box even with his own hands, then it will be really original gift.

A good business card holder and a carrying case for a tablet

Второе место занимает хорошая визитница. Кредитные и визитные карточки нужно где-то разместить. Их стоит держать в стильной визитнице, and stores them in the darkness, several thousands.

Ideal gift in this category for men is also a case. Tablets and smartphones are subjected to scratches and therefore in need of protection. Black leather case will protect your equipment, you will avoid scratches and cracks.

Council! Many models of covers for tablets and mobile phones have dedicated pockets for storing cards and bank cards. Therefore, two birds with one well-aimed shot can kill, keep this in mind.

High-quality shaving kit

Хорошего качества комплект – с кремом для бритья, oil, balm, и витамином Е в растворе для чистки лица – это хорошая идея для подарка. Probably, every man would like to have in your closet this set. Just fit kit type of travel (journey, for the trip). It should include all products, necessary during the journey: Liquid Hair & Body Wash, as well as lip balm.

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