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Top 10 Games for Playstation 4. Best games 2017

What are the best games on the PS4? On the eve of the new year, we remind you the best names that exist on the Playstation 4.

лучшие игры на playstation 4. Топ 10. фото

Although until the fall release of new, great games there is still a little time, обладатели Playstation 4 , certainly, They can not complain about the lack of interesting titles. The list of good games for this console is very significant and is constantly updated with new editions, и так быстро, that in the flow of various more or less well-known names, easy to overlook the real gems. Especially new owners PS4. Hence our idea to review 10 самых лучших игр на Playstation 4. Of course, We look forward to your comments, because we know, что каждый человек имеет свой список TOP10 игр, в которые играет на PS4

Best games on PS4:


NIOH - Бомбический Хардкор (Обзор)

You need a game with a thrilling storyline, or just love the game that repeatedly show, how much more you need to learn, to emerge victorious from the fight? Then NiOh-this is what you need. Buy the game for Playstation 4 please visit for 1 669 UAH.

It seems that this is another game derived from a series of Dark Souls or mentioned below in our top review 10 Playstation games 4 Bloodborne, but only in appearance, because it has a somewhat peculiar NiOh aces up his sleeve.

In addition to specific storyline, which immerses players in a world of demons, gods and spirits of the Japanese legends, You will find here a good graphics, a large arsenal of different weapons, as well as extremely powerful combat system.

And it is hardly surprising, that for NiOh are the same people, who gave the world has known a series of Ninja Gaiden, which for many years for owners of Playstation 4 It considered a masterpiece. The only question, do you have enough courage and perseverance, чтобы самому это проверить… Если ищите лучшие игры на ps4 2017 года – NiOh одна из них

Uncharted 4: End of Thief

Where to start Freshly owner Playstation 4? Of course, that of Uncharted. This series accompanies us for a good 10 years old, but so far in terms of entertainment and a truly Hollywood climate remains unsurpassed.

End of Thief is the quintessence of all that, for the players loved Uncharted. There are interesting characters, and intriguing story retold, and proven mechanics, and absolutely fantastic visuals. there chase, shootout, puzzles and a whole bunch of other things, thanks to which it is impossible to break away from the TV screen. In short - have a Playstation 4 and do not play Uncharted 4: A Thief'S End is a sin.


Horizon: Zero Dawn

You think, that games have you seen all? And what do you say to a post-apocalyptic world, which captured the intelligent machines? But there is no Terminators whether Skynety, а невероятно развиты роботы – животных.

Sounds weird? Well this is not the whole chip, человечество, or rather its remains, We retreated to the development almost to prehistoric times. Nearly, because, Although the natives used bows, they can use the mechanical parts of the machine to create all sorts of futuristic arrows, shells and bombs.

I must admit, that the adventure in such a wonderful world, among the ruins of an ancient civilization and technology, which nobody remembers, It stimulates the imagination. Special, When the main character of the game - a young girl with a very unique name Aloy, it seems, somehow related to the events that led to the apocalypse.

And if the plot is intriguing for someone still insufficient, to recognize the Horizon Zero Dawn-one of the best games on the Playstation 4, this indicates, it's worth to see it in action.


Person 5

Japanese RPG game, of course, not for everyone. History shows, and here are the gems, which can please almost everyone. Although Persona 5 It has even legendary status as the Final Fantasy VII, but, это хорошая игра. Person 5 – необычный рассказ, having its own depth and heroes. There really is no room for boredom. And this scope can give hundreds of hours of fun, It is one of the main advantages of these products.


The Last of Us Remastered

A puzzled look of the game in the review of the best games for the Playstation 4? Well, the choice can and controversial, because The Last of Us is still associated with one of the best games in the history of the previous, instead of the current generation. but, it does not change the fact, that blockbuster updated, It contains the best graphics in the binding resolution FullHD and received addition DLC Left Behind.

Although the debut of the prototype has been almost 3 of the year, The Last of Us is still striking in its brightness. Devastated plague the world, in which a person avoids human, в котором нет почти никаких правил и царит человеческое безразличие делает идеальный фон для путешествия двух необычных героев. Игра доступна исключительно на Playstation 4 – The Last of Us Remastered должно была попасть в наш список.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + Blood and Wine

It has allready passed 2 more than a year, Polish and the game is still in vogue. I will not hide, that had a great influence on this second DLC paktch called Blood and Wine, wherein Geralt Rivii, masterful said goodbye to the players. excellent affair, a completely new country, a new faction and the whole mass of different side quests - about attractions, no fan of the Wild Hunt just could not pass by. A fan of The Witcher game 3: The Wild Hunt is very easy to become, because the game is in a few minutes enchant telling a story, like a good fantasy. Если вы еще не пробовали играть в Ведьмака и ищете игру, which, certainly, you will appreciate, - The Wild Hunt will not disappoint you.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Legend arcade platformer - Crash Bandicoot is back in a new edition. In N. Sane Trilogy мы получаем полный пакет приключений смешного Бандикута вместе с сильно обновленной графикой, new textures,character models and the improvement of the game. And it's all on a single board. What is most interesting, the new name is well etched former climate prototype. Because, although the first appearance Crasha Bandicoota has been more than 20 years is still felt here incredible magic.

Not to say that personally I am delighted with the game, but, obviously, many players it was necessary, because they write exciting reviews. As if that was not enough, the game is very long takes the leading place of the charts.

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

Phantom Pain will not disappoint players, It combines all the different elements of action games. Est small handful of new products, such as, eg, expanding its own database or open the living world. Радует богатство доступного арсенала и возможность выбора времени дня для проникновения на вражеские позиции…

Grand Theft Auto V

In the category of the richest open world on PlayStation 4 Only one title can compete with the popular Witcher, and this, of course, Grand Theft Auto V. The latest "gangster simulator", a huge map where every road leads somewhere. New Los Santos was expertly executed - so diverse and rich with surprises, that his visits You have to spend long hours, and it will still need more time.

A team of Rockstara took care not only about, to push the problem elsewhere, wherever possible, but also to their performance gave great pleasure, never mind, Whether you are going to ride a bike, make mayhem at the airport, добавить головной боли местной полиции…


if you love, when the game you wipe the floor, while playing Bloodborne you will be the happiest in the world. The game is only available on the PlayStation 4. Active RPG with a great history, wonderful world, an interesting combat system and powerful tool for creative hero.


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