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Тест Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - you will be happy

Overview Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - inexpensive smart watches that have a pedometer, pulsometer, Sleep monitoring and waterproof casing IP67 tracker Xiaomi Mi Band 2

Overview Xiaomi Mi Band 2



The appearance and quality of execution

Фитнес-трекер попал ко мне в неприметной, carton, which hides a few elements - the basic module, which is said to be conditionally "tablet", silicone bracelet, charging cable and manual (Chinese). a little sorry, that there is at least a guide in English, but, Luckily, there's nothing complicated, so that we can understand, and without instruction. About it, but, a little bit later, Now a few words about smart watches appearance.
smartwatch xiaomi mi band 2 a photo

Mi Band 2 It consists of two elements. The most important is, of course, the main module, idem, "Tablet". It is made of dark plastic, while the upper part of tempered glass. In turn, Bracelet formed of a dark gray silicone. On various sites you can find other color versions without difficulty. I did not have such a need, so I chose the cheapest, которые предлагал интернет магазине, но если кто-то хочет более персонализировать браслет, it has the opportunity to.

It joins together very simple, I think with the photo above all clear, ставите “таблетку” в нужное место и нажимаете, until you hear it clicks.

The bracelet is very easy to adjust the size of the wrist. Диапазон регулировки достаточно большой. Браслет лежит на руке очень хорошо, and silicone pleasant to the touch. Encouraged by the ring on the end of the strap, do not worry about the loss, what happened in the case of first-generation Mi Band. Looking at before and I will say, all on so well, I refused to wear the traditional in favor of wearable .


Unlike the Mi Band 1, This time instead of several LEDs has a small display. This OLED screen with a diagonal 0,42 inch, covered with tempered glass. This ensures protection against accidental damage, but practice shows, что при желании можно испортить все. After a month of use on the surface appeared a few scratches. Well, it's not Gorilla Glass, but I understand, that its use will increase the price of fitness hours.

The screen is black and white. You can not adjust the brightness level, in bright sunlight legibility is quite low. Information on the screen can be displayed by pressing the button or turning the wrist (this option can be disabled in application Mi Fit). Gesture in most cases is read correctly. I admit, I was even surprised, as the expected difficulties with the inclusion of the screen in such a way, but nothing like this.

Below the screen is a button, through which we can view the content. view can:

It is enough to gently press the button, the touch screen has been read. Interestingly, aimed at smartwatch jet of water from the shower activates the button. You can change the number of rows displayed on the screen, and, eg, refuse to display calorie counter or heart rate monitor. I have used all possibilities.

What can Mi Band 2?

Smartwatch Mi Band 2 know how very much. But in order to appreciate all the features you need to download Mi Fit app (available on the Google Play store). Suffice it to launch the application and create an account.

The application itself is simple and allows you to use most (most, but not all) function. The most important thing, of course, steps count, sleep tracking, alarm installation. В настройках стоит ввести свои данные – рост, weight, date of birth. On the basis of this application will determine the optimal weight, to which we should strive. Следующим шагом будет настройка целей – это может быть достижение определенного веса или просто дневная норма шагов. These applications can be synchronized with Google Fit, that for many people, probably, It will be a significant advantage.

Besides, Within the app you can check the battery charge status, set an alert downtime (triggered if for an hour does not get up from the table), and include sleep monitoring. Also useful information displayed setting option.

Official Mi Fit app allows you to select up to five applications, installed on your phone. Interestingly, It is listed as "ordinary" application, t. it is. Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, as well as dozens of other titles.

How are notices? In the moment, when, eg, someone will like your post on Facebook, bracelet vibrates, and the icon will be displayed on the screen. Also in the case of a call or message. It's insanely useful feature. I wear myself phone in your pocket or purse, and I do not always hear, that someone is trying to contact me. Headband gives me confidence, I would not miss an important call (eg, from his wife).

note! To be notified smartwatch should be within range of your phone's Bluetooth.

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band

Wanting to make full use of the fitness bracelet, much better to use alternative applications available in the Google Play store. At the moment there are two of the best. Both paid, but low cost. We are talking about Mi Band Tools and Notify & Fitness for Mi Band. The second application is available in the free version with reduced functionality, and in the Pro version. I decided on the full version.

After installing the smart fitness watches gained a second life:

Main characteristics:

What is important, the app is constantly evolving and being updated. Within a few weeks of my tests, I got three very important updates, significantly enhance the functionality of the smart hours.


Умными часами пользуюсь уже месяц и за это время пришлось заряжать их… три раза. Battery lasts an average of 11 days. All this time I had established full notifications from your phone (Facebook, Instagram, post office, sms, calls), and sleep monitoring. With high probability we can say, что если будете использовать Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Only for counting steps, While you can slightly increase. But even these 11 days is a very good result, which gives comfort for every day use, without, to remember about charging, that is a huge problem in many smartwatchy.

To charge using the included special charger, is connected to the USB connector.


Technical specification reports, that the gadget is waterproof in accordance with IP67 standard. By definition this means, that Mi Band 2 We must withstand immersion in water to a depth of 1 meter to 30 minutes. Diving is not recommended. enough theory. What is the reality?

Total testing time bracelet virtually no shot. I took a shower in it, was washing dishes, cleaned, cooked, embodied in the role of the perfect man. None of these actions had no impact on the fitness tracker.

Tested smartwatch and pool, swimming, dived, played water football, all it took about an hour, Watch how to work, so still and running. Only, but rather a serious disadvantage is the fact, the tracker I nezaschital virtually no activity at this time. I checked the different swimming styles - to no avail.


Well there's a lot to say. Just worth to buy Xiaomi Mi Band 2. The bracelet is very little - can be bought for 699 hryvnia in the online store gsm-ka. It's really a small amount, taking into account functionality Mi Band 2.

Mi Band 2 well suited both as a monitoring our daily activities, count the steps and the distance, we have passed, is assistant training and a great addition to your smartphone. Add to that the other functions - Service, pulsometer, sleep monitoring, we get a lot for very little.

Yes, yes, yes - not without significance is also the appearance of fitness tracker. He simply elegant in its minimalism. With this approach, not only for sportswear, but it can easily be worn in more formal situations (at least I'm doing).

final grade:

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