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Tesla Model 3 will be presented in Geneva

The third model is the most popular and sold electric car from Tesla expect many motorists, that their attitude to the environment and ecology. According to official information, Tesla Model 3 will be presented at the exhibition in Geneva.

So far known only to some rumors, walking across the network. The company proudly silent, to surprise all directly in Geneva. Some experts suggest this area, externally novelty will be closer to the German car industry. Model 3 may resemble the BMW 3-series or M4.

Rather Technical innovations improve. Even the current model accelerates to hundreds of kilometers just 3 seconds, which is very cool, for car, who works for "battery".

Now the car on a single charge can travel about 700 km is achieved through recovery (when the car is moving by inertia, not wasting battery, produced electricity, which accumulates in the battery). That is - even when you are away, may partially charged battery.

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