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Review of the movie Cars

Wheelbarrows (. Cars) - full-length animated film made in the USA 2006 of the year, created by Pixar in collaboration with Disney. inspiration for the film was the true story of the town of Radiator Springs in northwestern Arizona.

This is a really good animated movie for boys. This cartoon and more, intended for children over 5 s you can see using following a link.

Description of the plot

The film shows a world of anthropomorphic cars, which was concluded in today's realities of the United States. The main character is a young cocky and egotistical racer Lightning McQueen. The theme of the story is the race for the Golden Piston, winning which can be obtained worldwide fame.

Its main competitors are the King of Zigzag and Maroochy. Zigzag goes very recklessly, not wanting to waste time changing tires, shortly before the finish two tires burst and the finish line is crossed by three machines simultaneously - McQueen, King Zigzag and Maroochy. "Overtime", in which these three machines should participate, to be held a week later in a distant California.

McQueen, wanting to come to California as soon as possible of all triples, to be able to exercise longer on the racetrack tamoshnem, forces his truck Marian to hit the road that same evening without stopping anywhere. Night in their path appears gang offenders Road Hazards, which lulls Marian quiet music, by which he falls asleep and goes to the side of the road.

Marian opened the back door and to the horror of McQueen, he turns on the highway. In the confusion, he starts chasing a red car, which mistakenly takes for Marian and turn on a country road. When he catches up with her, is, it is not Marian; McQueen and left alone in a dark desert. In addition, in is that McQueen has exceeded the permissible speed of the chase, the truck, and as a racing car also has no light. Fleeing from the police chase, - pursued its neighboring town sheriff - as a result of an unsuccessful plexus circumstances it destroys a large chunk of asphalt local road, then it falls into the hands of the sheriff.

The next day, McQueen learns, that he was in half-abandoned and cut off from the world of the town Radiator Springs. Town residents agreed to release McQueen, when he will repair the damaged road. Ignoring the protests of McQueen, harness his car on asphalt laying.

famous track 66 McQueen is possible to repair only the second approach. While in town he discovers, что ее староста – легенда гонок, the famous Hudson "Hurricane" Hornet, единственный обладатель трех ” Золотых Поршней подряд. Hudson's career in the 50 years ended in an accident.

McQueen gets acquainted with the residents of the city, especially with the beautiful Sally Carrera, however, his presence has caused Hudson to experience unwanted memories returning.. Soon, the city appears Marian accompanied by a crowd of journalists. McQueen is torn between the desire to win and gives the feeling of Sally, but in the end, leaves.

With the end of the story, you should familiarize themselves, so it was decided not to describe, after all the intricacies of love drama, and relationships with friends interested in each.

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