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Properties of silica bricks and building blocks

Silicate units consist exclusively of natural ingredients: sand, lime and water. These materials have smooth edges so they can be used for wall coverings. The thickness of the seam is approximately 0,5 – 1 cm.

Silicate production

The content of organic particles does not exceed 1%. Formation of elements takes place under the influence of pressure in the automatic baking of presses and autoclaves at temperatures above 200?C. Ready gas silicate blocks and bricks are rough and tough, Besides, with not destroyed but rather their strength increases over time, because free lime particles associated with carbon dioxide present in the air.

Durability silicate materials

Compressive strength elements determined by the class. The silicate blocks it is from 15 to 25 Mpa. This is the highest value among all elements of the masonry, which is comparable to the strength of the concrete, and it means that with the use of gas silicate blocks you can build a six-storey house.

But whether such strength characteristics are needed for the construction of the house odnosimeynogo? According to experts, they need. First of all they should be used in areas subjected to the most severe stress, which are the jumpers over the windows and doors. Also, such strength is useful in installation sites where long floor beams are installed.. These wall fragments are the most vulnerable to cracking and it is important that they have high strength.. If the walls of the weak materials must be used reinforced concrete or brick to strengthen, gazosilikata then when it does not need to do. High strength allows any interior arrangement, on the walls you can hang heavy objects without fear.

biological corrosion

Gas silicate blocks Elektrostal buy Anyone can, but the choice must be made consciously and you should be aware of all the positive and negative sides of this material. For example, you know what a biological corrosion? And it is the progressive destruction of the wall as a result of the attack of microorganisms. greenish patina, moss, black spots not only look ugly on the walls, but also can cause dangerous for people allergic. On the surface of the silicate, biological corrosion progresses very slowly, because the structure of the elements contained in the lime with alkali ph have bactericidal properties.

Mold only appears there, where extremely favorable conditions exist for her, in shaded and humid places, often along the seams, especially if the latter are made of cement instead of cement mortar. Thus knowing pluses silicate blocks, you will use cement-lime mortar, and the likelihood of mold and other fungi will be reduced to zero.

Good to know


Products from silicate blocks have a natural ability to adjust the humidity level inside the room. If the air is too humid, absorb excess moisture and give it back when it's too dry. This ensures, that in the homes of gazosilikata a pleasant climate, favorable, especially for people with allergies and small children. In order not to interfere with gidroregulyatsii, the walls from the inside must be finished with vapor-permeable mineral plaster.

Fire properties

Gas silicate blocks have the highest fire reaction class A1. It means, that at any stage of a fire do not take part in its development. Do not spread fire, does not melt or burn, and do not secrete any harmful substances. wall thickness 18 cm is able to withstand exposure to fire under the full four o'clock, that allows for the safe evacuation of residents from a burning building.

These fire-retardant partitions should be used in adjacent houses. Fire in one segment of the home does not spread further, not occur violations of the structure, and if the fire will intervene quickly, then it will be easy then to repair the damage caused by fire.

Hard but brittle

Silicate blocks require careful and proper handling of transportation. For cutting and punching holes and fissures using an angle grinder with a diamond disc. It is also indispensable for the formation of fissures under the wire, because traditionally used hammer can destroy the blocks.

Suppress sounds

Due to the high density it is difficult to spend fluctuations. Thereby, both sounds and shock vibrations do not penetrate inside. This feature is useful in homes where a room is allocated for listening and recording music., or is equipped with a home theater.

Walls of sand-lime increased insulation thickness mixtures 18 See decreases the volume up 55 db, and the thickness of whole blocks 25 cm 58 db, which is several points higher, than the walls of other materials.

Sound insulation affects the comfort of housing, t. it is. capacity of individual elements of a building to prevent the transmission of audio signals, both external and internal. This ensures numerous studies conducted in different countries.

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