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The most interesting thing that came up with Google

Самые интересные вещи которые придумал Google

Google started its adventure, how to search the Internet. The American company soon, but, I began to leave (and very strong) these limits, and today it is much broader portfolio. Giant has its own browser, operating system, uncountable set of Internet services (YouTube, Gmail, Hangouts, Cards, cloud platform), гаджеты и… много интересных вещей. В списке работ синтетическая кожа и автономное авто и много других интересных вещей. Therefore, we invite you to review the craziest things, who has (or will be) by Google.

1. Smart contact lens


lenses, which simply help to better see? Nuuda. Google engineers have developed a (and patented) smart lens, which measure the level of glucose in the blood and in the case of alarming results warn the user by means of LEDs. Moreover, These gadgets are also equipped with a micro-camera (due to which the visually impaired people can move safely on the road) and eye iris scanner, which may be the heart of the new authentication system.

2. AntySmrodek

US Patent and Trademark Office

Google has registered the device project, which today controls odors allocated user. At that moment, when the smell becomes too noticeable - automatically release the part of a deodorant or antiperspirant. Ну… технология ведь, first of all, serve the people, is not it?

3. Detection of cats on YouTube

Lisa Bernier / CNET

Although YouTube over the years has evolved, for many people it is still the service, which teem with funny video with cats in the title role. This inspired Google to create a detector domestic quadrupeds Video. First of all, but, this detector is used to test the effectiveness of artificial intelligence systems.

4. Balloons with the Internet

Project Loon/Google

Among many of Google's projects have a Project Loon. This is the idea of ​​providing Internet there, where until now it was not possible - with the help of balloons. They are now able to transmit data to Earth at a speed of 10 MB / s, may be in a few months vohduhe. This year will be a key test of this technology - 300 balls creates a "continuous circuit around the Earth".

5. Phone, who sees the world, like you


"Project Tango my phone into a magical window into the world of physical, allowing the device to perceive space and movement " - so on this project says the head of Google Groups.

This is the technology of Augmented Reality, which uses cameras and sensors in a smartphone for data collection and generation on the basis of their 3D-medium. Soon, the first mobile device with this decision will be available on sale, thanks to the cooperation with Lenovo.

6 and 7. Army of robots and zoo

Boston Dynamics / Lisa Bernler / CNET

In the end 2013 year, Google Inc. bought the Boston Dynamics - one of the best manufacturers of robotics sector. Затем приобрела лабораторию Nest и компанию DeepMind – специализирующиеся на методах искусственного интеллекта. As a result, there was an army of nimble and dexterous robots. What they? Probably, soon we learn. On the replacement of people by far Foxconnie, не закончится.

Boston Dynamics / Lisa Bernler / CNET

In addition to humanoid robots company Boston Dynamics (and now Google) also is a significant replenishment of robotic beasts. From the world's fastest Cheetah, walking on the vertical walls RiSE, просто BigDoga.

8. (maybe) the key to immortality

Steven Vidler/Eurasia Press/Corbis

AT 2013 году была созвана группа Миткаль. what does? In general - the development of medicine. Scientists within it developing new ways to diagnose and treat the most serious diseases. Among their projects have open plan ways to stop aging.

9. synthetic leather

Rick Friedman/Corbis

And if you will not be able to stop aging, you can always get daily updates :) . Google prepared and then. Among its projects is synthetic leather. Application has, but, completely different - the fact, that the synthetic leather is filled with electronics, and it can be used to test different technologies.

10. Nanites originally from Star Trek

Paramount/CBS / Lisa Bernier / CNET

We have already mentioned the artificial skin. It was her experience will be medical nanoparticles. How it works? These magnetic nanites, will be injected directly into the circulatory system, to identify possible disease.

11. trembling spoon

Google/Lift Labs

Trembling spoon is another medical project Google, and actually moved from Lift Labs. This device, which was created with the idea of ​​people, suffering from Parkinson's disease. The device responds to the trembling hands of the user and allows them to enjoy a delicious meal.

12. A heart


Arms, consisting in the heart is one of the most recognizable symbols. You thought, that there is a patent on? Well, It is - and has to Google.

13. Спутники и снимки земли

Skybox Imaging / Lisa Bernler / CNET

Google has 2014 I was bought for half a billion dollars Skybox Imaging - Company, supplying Earth satellite images with very high resolution. Большой Брат смотрит …даже из Космоса.

14. Cane with a camera

US Patent and Trademark Office

Cane with a camera, Google is also in the list of patents. Палка оснащена веб-камерой и имеет модуль беспроводной связи, whereby the disabled person can perform photos, and they will automatically fall into the smartphone. The cane will work well, as a locator.

15. autonomous cars


it, probably, the most popular of the projects, listed in Table, but at the same time - one of the most ambitnyh. Google has created a technology for cars, thanks to which they can drive without a driver. Tests are yet, at least, sumptuously, and even the head of the Mercedes-benz admitted, that is very impressed with the progress. This project is also clear evidence, that the American giant is not afraid of challenges.

16. The server is powered by waves

Stephen Lam/Reuters/Corbis

technology giant, as Google, It has a huge demand for electricity and uses a very large number of servers. Some time ago, the company has patented the design of the floating data center, and 2013 he was seen on the water. This is Google's way to reduce energy costs and increase sustainability, что в современном мире чрезвычайно важно.

17. The keyboard is displayed on the palm

US Patent and Trademark Office

This is yet another patent, created the need for Google Glass. This technology should allow much easier to interact with glasses. Рука – как сенсорный дисплей? Why not.

18. virtual assistant, which is our second life


Social networks have become the heart of the Internet, and even human contact. Coming up with creative answers to all this wave records, but, painstaking work. But it would be easier, if we help a computer or smartphone? Google has patented and is. AT 2011 year Office got the application "automatic generator offers a personalized response to the content on a social network". Well, this, probably, evidence, that computers solve problems, who have created.

WHS. Article CNET and HowStuffWorks. sources: Independent, The Verge, Engadget, Google, Boston Dynamics, SlashGear, Reuters, Wired

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