IT News

Should I buy a Taser?

Making a weapons permit complicated and almost impossible, а само огнестрельное оружие опасное, Considering, how laws are observed in Ukraine. The truth is everyone has the right to shoot the bandit on their own land, but it still has not been worked to do. Unclear, how to react to such a self-protection courts, even if you are a criminal only rennet. To feel safe, you need to find another means of defense, which neutralizes the enemy and at the same time will bring you trouble. Электрошокер для этого подходит идеально.

How does a stun gun Osa?

Taser is a weapon Osa, который не способен причинить вред противнику, but only a temporary, effectively neutralize. Powered by one or two elements a supply voltage 9 volt, able to generate a voltage with the power of 200 000 up to half a million volts. In fact, this voltage is not dangerous, because it is accompanied by a small amperage, которая обычно составляет несколько тысячных долей ампера.

Shocker operates Wasp even through thick layers of clothing neutralizing aggressor, more this should be read in the description of each model. Such a state of even tens of minutes can last. Depending on the time of defeat, an attacker can:

How to use the stun Osa?

These devices are safe for the user and must not harm him. Они имеют специальный предохранитель, protects against accidental starting and additional fuse, which protects the owner in case of withdrawal of intruder equipment. A fuse connected to the collar, which is worn on the wrist, он и вырывается в момент изъятия устройства агрессором. Then stun stops working and can not be used against the owner.

Remember, These devices use a battery, which must always be charged, so that in case of danger, могли исправно сработать. Manufacturers recommend periodic replacement of batteries, even when not in use.

When the stun gun is a threat to human health and life?

Then what effect Taser, It depends primarily on the electric power and the time of its action:

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