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Стирка и чистка мягкой мебели в Киеве от компании “Аква-Чистка”

Washing of upholstered furniture KIEV
Компании “Аква-Чистка” предлагает услугу cleaning of furniture in Kiev : sofas, corners, seats, стульев…
Services offered washing furniture will not only visual effect, but also will save the furniture by invisible germs, which causes an unpleasant odor. Employees effectively get rid of the smell of the dog or cat urine. Regular cleaning of furniture will ensure you reduce the risk of diseases and allergies.


Shoe furniture begins with a thorough analysis of the entire surface. Alternately, select the appropriate cleaner for stains and types of upholstery pollution. Then applied to the surface detergent bezopasenoe for children, adults and animals. When the drug begins to act, dirt and debris, located in the furniture removed by extraction (simultaneous irrigation and drainage surface). After the completion of the employee evaluates the condition of the upholstery and removes remaining traces of possible contamination.

Hauling cleaning / washing is performed wet. In case they are further protected by a film to water sensitive materials or wood.

note! Сотрудники компании “Аква-Чистка” – это опытный коллектив, having respective drugs, as well as equipment for cleaning leather furniture and upholstered furniture. Find out more about you on t: 067 935 33 37


When cleaning sofas for small angular 2 – 4 man takes approx. 1 time, in the case of large items of furniture increased by about 2 hours.

During upholstery washing our employees try to remove as much as possible the amount of water from the material to be erased, however it is strongly recommended not to use furniture done immediately after the cleaning procedure, better to wait from ca.. 5 – 24 часов до полного высыхания – это время зависит от преобладающей температуры воздуха в помещении и степени загрязнения.


Sofas, стулья и кресла – это неотъемлемый элемент оснащения офисов и помещений, and keeping them clean can improve usability and provide a positive image of the company office. Professionally made washable upholstery, удаление въевшихся пятен и загрязнений без необходимости дорогостоящей замены мебели на новую – вот что предлагает компания “Аква-Чистка”.

Location of services

Furniture cleaning can be carrying home the Customer, offices and service areas on the territory of Kiev and Kiev region

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