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standard HDMI 2.1 will improve the quality of the video?

Since version 2.0, interface HDMI It supports HDR image Standard. But the current specification assumes, service only static metadata, this means that the set a level for the entire HDR shows the flow. According to unconfirmed information,, поступающей из нескольких источников – следует, that with the advent of HDMI 2.1 introduced support for dynamic metadata. Thanks to them it will be possible to recreate each scene with individual settings HDR.

Support for dynamic metadata is very important in improving the image quality. Of course, To use this, you must also have a compatible TV. But the last are increasingly offering dynamic setting display parameters for each scene, In combination with dynamic metadata can provide an excellent effect.

What is important, the most popular formats currently HDR and HDR10 based on static metadata. Dynamic is only used in the standard Dolby Vision, which according to the manufacturer - "can achieve even more impressive image quality”.

However, standard HDMI 2.1 Not first, which handles dynamic metadata. The same was the case with DisplayPort 1.4, which it was mentioned at the beginning of this month. На данный момент нужно вооружиться терпением и ждать официального объявления характеристик HDMI 2.1.

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