Disruption in alcoholism, addiction - как предупредить и где пройти пройти профилактику|news

Disruption in alcoholism, addiction: Causes and prevention

Disruption or as it is called experts in the field of Addiction, relapse, not suddenly comes, it is the result of a lack of systematic prevention. Preconditions he can become a variety of situations, painted emotional and psychological state of a dependent person for even a longer period of time.disruption in alcoholism

often people, dependent on alcohol or drugs, Depending undergone treatment in a hospital environment, after a certain period of time break. Why is this happening, You can read the article: why there is a failure? Let us consider the most common causes of failure, how to avoid and where to get prevention.

Disruption - the causes

  • First of all, the main reason for failure is the failure of man's dependence on regular or even periodic visits to groups of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or drug addicts (DP), that is the basic condition after the course of treatment and rehabilitation. The fact, alcoholism, as well as drug addiction - a disease of chronic and can not recover from them forever. Dependent behavior remains forever in man, even with long-term remission. therefore, When a dependent person for some long period of time does not support the same people as he associates, household problems can greatly affect their emotional state and send it to stall.
  • Another reason for the failure is that not otherwise, how dependent overconfidence in his recovery. Often people under the influence of this belief may find, that a small amount of alcohol or drugs will not hurt him. "After all, he probably already knows, how and what to do, so as not to be dependent ". But, as the experience of drug addicts and alcoholics, it is the first wine-glass or a small dose of sobriety becomes a threat, because after her, all subsequent doses, from which the dependent person, basically, I am not able to give, there will be little. And then stop drinking or using drugs will be even more difficult, than before treatment.
  • Yet another reason for the failure is the characteristic strong emotional stress, under whose influence, People for a long time hatching the idea to use, but the internal struggle and his mind stopped. That is only a third party without the timely assistance of experts, dependent person is unlikely to survive in this battle,, and through time, no matter what period, it still slips. This is indicated by life examples.

Disruption - how to prevent

In order to avoid disruption, dependent person should always be on the alert, remember his incurable disease and control their feelings, emotions and physical state of health.

  • Dependent person can not be hungry - it causes deformation of a healthy psychological state of all people, without exception,, on which background, a man capable of the most reckless actions.
  • Dependent person can not be a long time to be in emotional imbalance, and keep their problems unresolved within yourself. If this happens, it is urgently necessary to run on AA or NA meetings, a psychologist or a person, with whom he could share his problems.
  • At the slightest desire to drink or consume surfactant (psychotropic substances), a person urgently needs to seek the help of the same anonymous companions or psychologists.

Well, if the stabilization of the emotional and psychological state does not occur as a result of the above methods, then the dependent person must apply in a rehabilitation center for a course of collapse prevention.

In a rehabilitation center to apply in Ukraine?

Thus rehabilitation center in Ukraine could become an international organization "Steps». Go to the center from all over Ukraine and abroad. More than a quarter century of RC "Steps" helps to effectively get rid of the chemical and all other addictions without any medication. With the help of qualified professionals, globally recognized program 12 steps and other techniques, used in treatment, the effectiveness of getting rid of drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling etc.. dependencies in the center reached 99%.

therefore, If you experience a state of failure, or even have not been treated, but you want to get rid of drug, alcohol or other kind of dependence, consult an expert. Sure to help you go through rehabilitation or prevention of disruption, which will allow you to regain your strength, emotional state and find a sober healthy lifestyle.

This article was prepared with the support of the International Charitable Organization rehabilitation center "Steps":

65076 Odessa street. Yitzhak Rabin (Yakyra), 7
email: [email protected], web: stupeni.org
International charity
rehabilitation center "Steps"
(048) 772-07-12, (0482) 49-14-74,
(0482) 49-17-70, (048) 784-98-37


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