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List of things, which must be in your trunk

Инструменты которые должны быть в машине

Car trunk, each motorist is the so-called kladtsem. In this you can find kladtse, it would seem that, everything. However, still there is a list of things, that simply have to be in your trunk. Compiled this list.

We begin with a list of security motorist. so, put in the trunk of our car first aid kit. Car first aid kit should not be simply to, I would not get a fine in the event of absence. Car kit can be a real saving in the event of an emergency on the road. Periodically iterate over drugs, getting rid of those, the validity of which has already left. Also, think about what medicine, other than mandatory, would you like to be additionally equipped with a first aid kit. This can be for any special preparations, which you use it.

Среди огромного количества проблем с которыми могут столкнуться автомобилисты на дороге – самой распространенной является сдувшееся колесо. Unfortunately solve quickly a flat tire problem is possible only with the use of a jack. Possibility to pump up a tire should always be. So try, what would jack and all the time I was with you. Believe it takes up minimal space, but it will provide you with invaluable help.

The warning triangle is also mandatory driver. Сломанная машина или аварийная ситуация на дороге – стандартное явление. Therefore necessarily bear the mark. Set it in front of your vehicle, showing, that with your car there is a problem.

Идем дальше – светоотражающие жилеты. Why does he need? The accident in the dark, you are trying to fix their own strength and constantly walk around your car. In the dark, especially on the dark highway you will notice very problematic. Therefore, mandatory wear a reflective vest. Its use will ensure the safety of your life.

Если ваш багажник позволяет – то в обязательно порядке положите дополнительно запасное колесо в него. The reserve is sometimes the only way to continue your path to follow. Really, sometimes no other option, a cut as a replacement wheel simply does not exist. In this case, the reserve will be the only way out.

Do not forget the fire extinguisher. He should be in working condition. Many people recommend putting a fire extinguisher in the vehicle interior, that would, if necessary, you could quickly use it.

Поскольку все это будет хранится в салоне вашего автомобиля – в обязательном порядке купить mats car in showroom. Their use is intended to protect your boot from a wide variety of water seepage, as well as dust and dirt, which in any case will fall in your trunk.

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