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Создает ли “Лаборатория Касперского” вирусы?

Создает ли "Лаборатория Касперского" вирусы?

Does "Kaspersky Lab" viruses?
a photo: Kaspersky Lab

Доверие – это, perhaps, the most important feature, which must have company, delivers software and computer tools, designed to ensure the safety of. When, if it concerns one of the largest producers, namely, it can be greatly undermined. However, tell the company about it sooner, especially, that the information comes from two former employees. Однако они обвиняют “Лабораторию Касперского” в мошенничестве, which consists in the falsification of information about malware. This was done, to achieve the best results in ratings.

The source of information is the agency Reuters, which, in turn, знает о всей этой истории от двух бывших сотрудников “Лаборатории Касперского”. In their opinion, It was held noiseless action, which is largely controlled by CEO, Evgeny Kaspersky. but, what it was? All was to fight against competitors - engineers worked regular files, It is part of widely available software so, so they look as carriers of malware, after which they were placed in the category corresponding to the "warning" in an open database VirusTotal, which is used by almost all manufacturers of antivirus software to update their virus databases.

As a result of fraudulent applications other anti-virus software solutions, including Avast, AVG и Microsoft Security Essentials, had wrong data, It is forcing them to find malicious files out there, where they were not at all. In some cases, it could result in serious problems with the computer operation. Opinion about the competitive programs it was getting worse and worse, and Kaspersky Anti-Virus was to beat all the best results in tests.

- "From this suffered not only the competition, but computers and users " , - said one of the former employees, concluding his statement.

A similar process has been going on almost more than ten years, and the maximum intensity of such actions took place between 2009 and 2013 years. Yuvaly Ben-Itzhak, former engineer admitted AVG, that in fact in those years there were numerous erroneous interpretations, the source of which was VirusTotal database. - "There have been several waves of such cases, basically, four times a year " , - Ben-Itzhak said in an interview with Reuters. Such situations remember Microsoft employees and a group of developers of Avast. None of the three companies, однако не предъявляет никаких обвинений против “Лаборатории Касперского”.

evgeny Kaspersky, a photo: Reuters/Shannon Stapleton

Himself Evgeny Kaspersky, however, claims, that his company was forced to contend with false statements. he denied, the, что якобы “Лаборатория Касперского” должна была действовать в ущерб пользователям – а именно так и следует рассматривать данную акцию.

- "The accusations are completely meaningless. Disgruntled employees often say nasty things about their employers, but in this case the lie, totally absurd " , - said Kaspersky.

simultaneously, but, Kaspersky admitted, that in fact it was once an experiment, which could motivate the former employees, to tell such horrors. AT 2010 Kaspersky Lab was set 20 completely harmless files in the VirusTotal, To view, what will be the reaction of. After all, but, It was published the relevant information, so that the competition knew, I should ignore these samples in its virus database

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