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Modern teddy bear

Медведь является до боли знакомым персонажем – для одних из сказок, for the second of the cartoons, third of the Olympic Games held in the USSR, where he was a symbol. In each of the above cases, it is associated with something soft and pleasant, so no wonder why modern teddy bear enjoys such a high popularity among toys.

Modern teddy bears

Modern teddy bears are characterized not only thoughtful design, but the best materials that can be used even with allergies. Moreover, they can be washed without fear of harm in washing machines. More discover об современных плюшевых мишках и заказать вы можете на сайте:

The appearance of a teddy bear

The popularity of the teddy bear began in the late XIX century. In those years Margaret Steyf - German paralyzed as a result of the disease Heine Medina, sewing different teddy bears. Her nephew Richard Steyfu in 1880 году пришла в голову идея улучшить их вид и создать фирму, producing such toys in the city Giengen an der Brenz, located only 10 km from the Bavarian border.
Плюшевые мишки были выставлены на выставке в Лейпциге в 1903 year. Then they are interested in Americans, have acquired 3000 copies, and exported them to the United States. There have gained much popularity, and soon like teddy bears began to produce and other companies. Steyfa company still exists and is engaged in the production of teddy bears and other toys.

Также можно встретить другую версию появления этой симпатичной игрушки. Namely, at 1902 year, во время одной из охот президента Сша Теодора “Тедди” Рузвельта, his fellow hunter shot a young bear cub. When he brought the animal to the president, I am seeing the horror he ordered to release him. This episode is presented in a photo of Clifford Berryman. Его фото и история были опубликованы в газете „The Washington Post” что стало вдохновением для производства плюшевых медвежат с именем Тедди, by special permission of the President. For several years, Mitch OM. He became a magnate and owner of "Ideal" company, one of the most well-known companies for the production of teddy bears.

World Day Teddy Bear

AT 2002, there was the hundredth anniversary of the toys, day 25 November has been recognized by the World Day of Teddy Bears.

Literary hero

Мишка стал героем для детей, the best known of which is the Pooh (Inc. Winnie the Pooh), created 1926 by British writer Alan Alexander. Another hero of the book bear children is a Paddington Bear.

Игрушка Teddy Bear

Some experts argue that the name came from US President Theodore Roosevelt, which in November 1902 стал героем комикса в газете “Evening Star”. The story tells about, President met on the hunt bear frightened. I read comics entrepreneur from Brooklyn, Mitch Morris konditer, who decided to use this name for commercial purposes. The President agreed to this, and 1906 фабрика Морриса Митча “Ideal” выпустила на рынок первые плюшевые медведи под названием Teddy Bear.

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