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Solar panels as a complete battery of Israeli academics

Солнечные панели в качестве полноценного АКБ от израильских ученых

That can offer renewable energy sources in the near future? What kind of equipment they replace, appearing on the market? And how many more innovations should expect people? Answers to many questions learn more.

Sensitized solar panels will replace energy stores?

Israeli firm «3G-Solar Photovoltaics» said, she razrabotatla interesting technology, by which solar panels will be able to cover for office equipment all electricity needs. Along the way, replacing the built-in or external battery. While the system is being tested, willing here find a set of standard modules. solar cell production The secret lies in the application of insolation material on a glass surface. It is sufficient for electrical appliances such as:

Cured special dye generates electricity from the surface of the scattered radiation. While conventional SES can only work effectively under constant direct illumination. At the presentation showed a real prototype mouse with built-in Bluetooth, Charges of photovoltaic cells «3G-Solar». Moreover, as the energy source used fluorescent lamps.

The company believes, that for some devices suitable external photocells, while the other can be applied several layers of photo. Thus «3G Solar» saves users from the constant replacement of batteries, providing maximum comfort. In large buildings, equipped with thousands of small sensors, technology will once and for all forget about the sudden shutdown cameras with alarms due to shrunken battery.
Sensitized solar panels have been opened 20 years ago, the Swiss scientist Grettselya. He was able to establish the first, that the material is similar to the paint react to exposure light, releasing energy without the use of expensive semiconductor. The response was similar to that, demonstrated by plants during photosynthesis. However, in terms of the efficiency of this type is inferior SES used at larger stations, because of what his specialty is rather limited.

The charge controller for the additional accumulator

If there is a need to install external battery, the charge controller should be able to produce several process streams. Despite, graphic panels that will not generate more energy, additional storage will create substantial load. Choose the multi-function controller here you can effortlessly. And all the questions easily clarify Consulting Group.

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