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Smartwatche ahead of Swiss watches

In the fourth quarter of last year, it has sold more than Smartwatch, than Swiss watches. The smart gadget has become increasingly popular.

Smartwatch photosSmartwatche appeared on the market relatively recently. While some liked them right from the start, хватает также и критиков этих гаджетов. Often, but, not very attractive appearance, a small operating time on a single charge and limited functionality does not repel potential buyers. conversely, последний отчет группы Strategy Analytics показывает что в последнем квартале прошлого года впервые в истории было продано больше smartwatch чем швейцарский часов.

Smartwatche up, clock down

Difference, true, small - were sold worldwide 8,1 million and smartwatch 7,9 million Swiss watches, DOE extremely rapid growth in popularity of the first impressive.

In the fourth quarter 2014 it has been sold all 1,9 million smartwatch, which means, that the sale of intelligent timers for twelve months on the accelerated 315,6%. At the same time, demand for Swiss watches, decreased slightly - by 4,8 percent.SmartWatch-statistics

Who is to blame in such large changes?

Executive director of Strategy Analytics claims, These results suggest not only that, что производители smartwatch набирают ветра в паруса, but also about, that manufacturers of classic watches are not doing anything, to prevent it. During a long time, Swiss watch market is developing at a slow pace and does not adapt to the changing times.

Of course, not every manufacturer of smart watches is very popular - you can mention at least about TAG Heuer, which last year introduced its smartwatch with Android. According to Strategy Analytics, этой компании принадлежал только 1%. smartwatch sold in the IV quarter 2015 of the year. TAG Heuer has been left far behind the leaders, by Apple (63 percent). иSamsung (16%). The latest figures also show that, a total of 8 on 10 smart watch has the logo of one of these brands.



Experts from the group Strategy Analytics and Gartner say, smartwatch that sales will continue to grow dynamically, while the Swiss watch demand will gradually decline. Of course, если ничего в этой теме не изменится. Gartnera проанализировали до конца 2016 the year of their customers find about 50 миллионов “умных” часов, and by the end 2017 - more 66,5 million. Watch more news about the smart watch

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