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Смартфоны перестали приносить прибыль Xiaomi

In spite of this, the manufacturer no problems with finances. On what he earns?

По количеству проданных смартфонов – Xiaomi является абсолютным мировым рекордсменом. But despite this, profit it from it does not increase. In a recent interview that information shared Hugo Barra, Vice President of Xiaomi. According to him, Smartphones are not currently a source of profit, and it does not matter, even an increase in sales in the last quarter than in the previous.

"We could sell and 10 million smartphones and it does not get away from this penny of profit. In fact, we are enabling customers to get smart phones the most attractive prices, to expand its presence in the markets of other countries, that is a kind of advertising, which will result in our future success. "

So, по словам Хьюго Барра – смартфоны являются инструментом привлечения внимания пользователей к компании, прибыль же поступает с продажи “умных” домашних устройств. They doubled compared with the previous year, so the company can stay afloat and to invest in the development of new devices.

Of course, such a tool as smartphones the company will continue to develop. Moreover lineups Xiaomi будут лишь расширяться, чем свидетельством является ожидаемое присутствие китайского производителя на выставке CES 2017.

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