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Smartphones carry dire consequences for human, Is it really?

Фанатов смартфонов Huawei ждет крайне неприятное разочарование

Any electronic equipment irradiates all living organisms and if the doses are too large, it can lead to death or irreversible consequences for the organism. Some scientists claim, smartphones that carry dire consequences for human. This is reflected in the appearance of cancer cells, which eventually kill the human body. The US Department of Health decided to learn, правда ли это и провели собственное исследование.

US authorities have charged units of the National Institutes of Health to conduct its own investigation, to find out, how much smartphones harm the human body, and whether to do something you want, to avoid the adverse consequences in the future. To conduct the experiment, rodents, which gradually irradiated with radiation so, that comes from frequency networks 2G and 3G cellular.

For 2 years 9 hours each day irradiated rodent. How to assure scientists, the radiation dose received by them in proportion to the, which will get a person for 70 years of life in the city. As it turned out, male rats were cancerous tumor in the heart area, whereas female rats and mice of both sexes radiation did not cause any harm at all.

After that, scientists have conducted calculations and found, that 2G and 3G network does not affect human health, so the smartphones do not carry any dire consequences for human, many people claim. Moreover, they said, radiation in 4G networks and 5G significantly lower, so they are safer. All this means, that the use of any electronic devices, able to connect to mobile networks, It does not affect the state of health.

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