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How much is 1 m³ of natural gas and 1kWh? Цены на газ в 2018 year in Ukraine

Газ – это один из основных энергоресурсов используемых в квартирах и частных домах. Although he is not irreplaceable, многие к нему привыкли. Not surprising, that any information on the alleged price increase causes a huge impact. At this time, prices are regulated by the government, but soon the situation should change. Upon entry into force of the energy market, должна заработать Украинская энергетическая биржа. At the request of political scientists and experts it is to create competition between gas suppliers, and as a consequence lead to lower prices.

1 m³ and 1 квтч. Откуда это различие?

So far, the Ukrainians spent to pay for the consumed gas in cubic meters. Meanwhile, this value is outdated, untrue. Why? Gas, as it turns out, gas discord, and may have different calorific value. Roughly speaking, the gas may contain more or fewer calories. In the near future should make the new system satisfies both consumers, and suppliers. Although it's a bit complicated, Yet to understand it, everyone can.

According to information made public Ukrainian Energy Exchange here:, to calculate the amount of energy consumed in kWh, you need to use the following formula:

The amount of gas consumed in m³ × conversion factor = the amount of energy used in kWh

To complete the calculation necessary to know the conversion rate, который представляет собой соотношение среднеарифметического значения теплоты сгорания в месяце расчетного периода и значения 3,6. Теплота сгорания – это теплотворная способность топлива, that comes in the house, выраженная в МДЖ/м³. В среднем высокометановый природный газ содержит 39 MJ / m³.

supposing, that in a hypothetical house monthly gas consumption during the heating season is 200 м³. In turn, conversion rate is 10,8.

200 m³ x 10,8 = 2160 kw * no

This is the actual monthly consumption of gas for the one in the example at home.

How much is 1 kw * h of natural gas in Ukraine?

Many people think about the issue, how much will it cost 1 kWh natural gas. In Ukraine, has not yet earned the relevant settlement system. At the moment, private users pay 6957,90 USD / 1000 cubic meters. a smaller amount, namely 3918,56 USD / 1000 cubic meters pay religious organizations. It is worth noting, because of the possibility of a lesser payment, Gas and heating, in Ukraine, many new pseudo-religious organizations, recorded in apartments and private homes. With increasing energy costs, many have started to look for loopholes in the legislation to reduce platezhek for communal.

Would it be possible to change gas supplier?

According to the government, just as in the case of electricity, every private customer will be able to freely change a gas supplier. It will be enough to find a company to provide the best conditions.

What to look for before signing a contract with a new supplier? European experts recommend to pay attention not to present a price for 1 квт/ч газа. The most important thing, как долго поставщик будет гарантировать неизменность цены. Предложения разные – одни гарантируют в течение 6 months did not change the price, others are on the order of a stretch 2 years old.

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